Bound to be Rich

Leveraging The Power of Podcasts To Grow Your Business - Jeremy Ryan Slate

Ismail Episode 14

Tune in to this inspiration & practical conversation with Jeremy Ryan Slate.

Jeremy is the co-founder of Command Your Brand which helps visionary founders use the power of podcasts to change the world.

He's also the founder of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world; including the former CIA Director, Super Bowl Champions and even a three-time Indianapolis 500 winner.

Jeremy was named one of the top 26 podcasts for entrepreneurs to listen to in 2017 + 18 by CIO Magazine, top podcast to listen to by INC Magazine in 2019 and Millennial Influencer to follow in 2018 by Buzzfeed.

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Ismail Humet: Welcome to The Bound to Be Rich Podcast, where I attempt to reverse engineer people who seem to be successful, no matter the circumstances, so that you can apply those lessons to your own life. I'm your host is Meed in this episode, we are joined by Jeremy Ryan Slate. Jeremy is a podcast and media expert.

He's the founder of the Popular Create Your Own Life podcast. After his success as an iTunes top 100 podcaster, he co-founded to command your brand, which is essentially a public relations firm for the podcast space. They help people get exposure by booking them on the right podcast, so he understands the power of the podcast medium more the most.

I was excited to pick his brain on what I personally could be doing better, as well as how you could potentially utilize podcasts to grow your business. Let's dive.[00:01:00] 

Jeremy, welcome to the show, 

Jeremy Slate: man. Thanks for coming. Hey, man, I'm, I'm, I'm stoked to be here and as, and as you said, , um, you're using Riverside as your platform, which really excites me cause I do all my interviews on it. So like, I'm, I'm, I'm excited to know that uh, somebody's using the right technology, man.

Ismail Humet: Yeah. I've, I've mentioned to you before we got on and people who listen to the show know I've been challenged to get more into video. My first video recording. I figured let's do it with a pro. I can tell Jeremy's like, looking at the camera, I'm looking at all these different screens. I don't know where to look, but we'll get through it.

Well, my 

Jeremy Slate: camera's back here on a tripod and you had to like, it was, it's, it's funny to learn like where that is and when you should look at it too, cuz like at the same time you gotta look down. It's like, oh there you are, but now you can't see my eyes. So it's like you have to kind of learn a different way to like do a lot of this stuff.


Ismail Humet: Uh, I'm just in this mode lately where. Go for it. Just do things, try things. It may not be perfect, but go for it. Uh, 

Jeremy Ryan Slate's background.

Ismail Humet: for people who are not familiar with you of Jeremy, how would you describe what you do? Uh, how would you explain your background? Oh 

Jeremy Slate: gosh. Um, I am a [00:02:00] nerd that didn't work out in nerding.

Um, since I have a, I have a master's degree in ancient history. I studied, uh, Latin for 12 years. Um, was a high school teacher for a little bit, completely miserable doing that. Started a podcast because everything else I had tried in terms of business, didn't work. It actually did, Surprisingly, which is, which is odd.

And that led to me starting a company called Command Your Brand, where we help people to. Do a great job as a guest, um, and get booked on the right podcast as well. 

Ismail Humet: Gotcha. I've. Dealt with that brand. So we'll touch on that. But first I wanna say congratulations. You just had a baby recently, right? 

Jeremy Slate: Yeah, she is three weeks old as of yesterday.

Uh, well weeks when you're recording this as of yesterday. Um, so it's, it's, that's child number two. And it's interesting cuz she's, I don't know if you have any kids, but she's significantly calmer than number one who is Oh man. Crazy. So it's, you know, it's, it's, it's been interesting to say the least. It's 

Ismail Humet: funny cuz we were trying to, uh, I was speaking with someone, your team going back and forth trying to schedule this.

I dropped the ball a couple times and I'm like, I'm sorry, I just had a baby. [00:03:00] Um, so like I was apologizing for my delay and like, Oh, that's funny. 

Jeremy Slate: Brooke told me that this morning. She goes, Oh, it's funny. I wanna let you know, like he, he had a baby too. So it's like, if anybody kind of understands like how wild your calendar's been right now, he does.

And I was like, Oh, cool man. Cause like literally like with our first child, I didn't take off any days cuz like we, we really were, you know, the company's doing well now, it's growing now. So I have a little bit of time. It's not to say like, you know, I can do whatever the hell I want whenever I want. Um, but.

Two years ago when my first child was born, like we were still trying to make a lot of things go right. Which mean I had a lot work a lot more time than I currently do. So like now I'm actually all right, cool. I'm just gonna take some time off, make sure I'm the one doing the doctor's appointments and stuff like that.

And it's, you know, it's a different viewpoint on things. So I'm 

Ismail Humet: curious to get your input on this, because I just had my second one too. My first one's two and a half. Your first one? Two and a half. Two and a half weeks. So where else? October is when she was. October he was born as well. All right. So two and a half.

Can't look at that man. And uh, I just had my son's not two and a half months old about, uh, and I actually found the experience to be way more difficult the second time. The first one is two on one. Mm-hmm. , he's divided. Uptake turns. [00:04:00] Second one for me is more difficult. Just his personality. He's not as easy, and it's just harder to juggle both and balance work.

And I feel like

Work-Life balance.

Ismail Humet: I'm falling behind on everything, so I don't, I'm curious, how do you balance it all? How do you, Well, I 

Jeremy Slate: guess, 

Ismail Humet: Yeah, go ahead. I was just saying how do you get everything done and still like be a oppressive. Well, 

Jeremy Slate: you know, one part of it is like, you know, we have the team now, so I, I've learned to lean on them a lot more.

Um, you know, when we first started the company, I had number one. We had three people on the team, and now it's, we, we do have a team of, um, 15 at this point. So like I have, I've leaned on them a lot and I wasn't somebody that was ever good at doing that, so I had to learn how to do that. That's like, you know, definitely like when you're somebody that's like, I don't, I, I don't wanna come up like a jerk.

Like I, like I'm, I'm good enough at a bunch of things. So like, you tend to like, try to do too many of those things, if you know what I mean, Like, and you kind of overwhelm yourself. So I had to kind of learn to say it's okay and somebody else can. So that was one thing is, is taking a look at that. The other thing as well is, you know, it's not perfect, man.

Social media looks perfect, but life isn't [00:05:00] perfect. You know, sometimes the baby's crying and you gotta figure things out. So I got a sound filter, which is the best thing, by the way,, they have an HD sound filter. Um, it is awesome because like you can have a baby crying and nobody knows. Wow. But the other thing is too is, is you know, kind of just learning to communicate more as well.

Um, my second child has been a lot calmer than my first one. My first one is like, um, We, we, uh, we had all of our blood tests today to find out we all had covid antibodies and, uh, she got her blood test and she goes, Cool, can I do it again? So, like, that's what the kind of kid she is. Um, so she's intense and it's been interesting because it's like we have to stop her from like running and trying to go hug her sister and stuff like that because she's little, you know what I mean?

Like, we don't want her to hurt her and stuff like that. So it's, it's been interesting and one of the things we're realizing like the second child's made us grow out of our space. So as much as I'd like to say, like, Hey, I'm an expert. I've got it all together. We do the best we can man. We make sure we communicate.

We, my wife and I run a lot of Google Calendar invites, so I know when she's got a meeting, she knows when I've got a meeting so we know who's got the kids and things like that. So it's, it's not perfect, but you try to do the best you can, man. [00:06:00] Yeah. It 

Ismail Humet: seems like you're, you've got a pretty good handle on it.

Uh, I'm sure it's not as clean and simple when it's actually like for me, I'm struggling a little bit right now. You don't seem to have that anxiety cuz you have the team behind you. Uh, but you mentioned your wife and I know that, I think that she's the co-founder with 

Jeremy Slate: you on. She is and she's way smarter than me.

how do you, 

Working with your spouse.

Ismail Humet: how's it working with a spouse? A lot of people listen. Start a business and the spouse gets involved mm-hmm. and they all have that question, how do you balance it with the spouse and stuff? So 

Jeremy Slate: y you know, it's, it's tough because I've, I've never understood that viewpoint, um, of like, how do you work with your spouse?

Cuz like my viewpoint has always been like, how do you not. I like, and, and I'll just be honest with you, like my wife and I have been together 12 years. Like literally she is my best friend. Like she is the person I tell about, I've always told, you know, about everything, you know, we have these deep, deep conversations.

So like for me, like it's actually great because she knows how I'll react to a certain situation. So because of that, She'll handle the situation a certain way. You know what I mean? Like, like she knows [00:07:00] if a client says X, I'm gonna do Y, so she better do Z. You know what I mean? So it's like it, That playoff has been really well, And I think also our personalities are good as well, because I'm a big thinker.

I can kind of. Put the concepts in there that are, that are gonna work where she builds systems, like you should see some of the spreadsheets that she creates to handle different problems. So it's like, I think we're complimentary in that way. I think when it may be difficult is when maybe you have the same skill set or, or things like that.

I could see that being difficult, but for me it's been very complimentary. Like I, I don't wanna like say it's like the Brady Bunch here, but like at the same time, like we compliment each other really well and we make sure we communicate a lot on it. 

Ismail Humet: Yeah, I totally agree with you. I, I, I see it the same way.

That's your partner in life. Who else? If you can't work with that person, uh, I think you're gonna have a hard time working with other people as. , but it seems like a lot of people have issues with that. So I, I like to ask that question to learn from. Uh, well, it's 

Jeremy Slate: like I said, it's, it's there. It could be personality clashes, right?

Like if you have two very type A people that marry each other, like maybe they shouldn't be in business together, You know what I mean? Like, we, we tend to, to [00:08:00] realize like where and when we work well together and what the other person needs in order to do that. And I think also at the same time, I don't think people have, like the ground rules we have, like when we have ground rules, like we say, what needs to be said without the intention to hurt the other person.

I think sometimes when people. , Um, you know, and they're married or they're dating or whatever. Like sometimes they wanna get that zinger in and that's not gonna fix the situation either. 

Ismail Humet: Mm-hmm. . So what about with the balancing with the kids and balancing the work, you guys, because of the team. You don't have an issue.

You, you're not anxious 

Jeremy Slate: with me. Two, two years ago, I wouldn't have been able to do this. I'm telling you right now, like two years ago, I wouldn't been able to do this cuz we only had three people on our team. So that, that is the big difference. So it's like, and, and I'll tell you what, man, like the, the, the, our, our first uh, hire was actually, uh, Brooke that you've worked with, She's.

Excellent. She's been with us for almost five years now, but after that, the next thing I did is we went and hired three virtual assistants to handle my email and stuff like that. And then we started hiring back here in the us Like you gotta figure out, you know, based on your budget, what you can do to get people to help you because you're gonna drown man.

You really are. Like, you need some help. So [00:09:00] 

Ismail Humet: let's dig into that a little bit, 

Opinion on hiring virtual assistants.

Ismail Humet: if you don't mind. Yeah. Because everyone has the same problem. They're so busy, they wanna do so many things, they can't get 'em all done. Mm-hmm. and I've come across, cause I'm looking into this recently as well. Yeah. These, uh, very affordable virtual assistance overseas.

If you were advising an entrepreneur, what would you tell 'em to do first, to get off their plate first? In general, would you hire a va? Uh, what would you give them? How do you find them? Uh, what do they typically cost? Stuff like that. Mm-hmm. , 

Jeremy Slate: Well, first off, I just want to put my strata, my, my like thought process in on virtual assistance too, because I think too many times, like people think, Okay, cool, I'll just get a virtual assistant, do everything.

And like, that's not a good idea either. Like, because like how many times have you called your. And they're not US based. And you like get an argument with the person because they can't actually solve your problem. Right? Like, I've been that guy. So like I, I've realized there's a lot of things that, you know, when it's either client facing or vendor facing, like in this case with, with people working with podcasts, like they need to be us based.

Like to me that's just really, really important because you want people to get serviced in the right way. So that's kind of my philosophy about it and I find that's really important. [00:10:00] But when you're looking at things that you can, you can get off your. What are the, the tedious things that can be built into a process that somebody doesn't have to be a specialist to learn?

So that's like, you know how to handle things in my email. For me that's a really big deal because how many people drown an email. So you build a process around like, this is something I would, you know, forward reply or delete, which is something I got from Chris Ducker. He has this idea of forward reply, delete.

Those are the only three things. It doesn't sit in your inbox cuz too many people let it sit in their inbox and then, you know, the thing gets drowning them. So email is one really big. Um, another thing is you can have a lot of marketing tasks that are done abroad. Like my whole video team, um, is in the Philippines and they're awesome.

Um, they're really, really good at what they do. They do an incredible job doing what they do. Um, and, you know, it's cheaper than it would be here in the us 

Your business strategy.

Ismail Humet: so those snippets that I see you post on social media, Yeah, that's, 

Jeremy Slate: that's Joe, that's Joseph, the video guy. He is incredible and an awesome human being.

Ismail Humet: And they just know to go into the episode, they find that, uh, snippet or do you tell 'em? Pick the specific area, like [00:11:00] do it. It's all, 

Jeremy Slate: that's, So that's interesting because, because, um, I, I, I, I taught him how to think, like, I'd think, as weird as that sounds like, like what I did is for the first year that we made clips like that, I made him myself.

And I find like it's really important, we're gonna build a process to build it yourself so that, you know, like what could go wrong, what could go right, things like that. So I actually have a Dropbox folder of, and number one, number two, his design is way better than mine, so mine are ugly as hell. Um, but they're in a Dropbox folder.

and I'm like, Okay, these are the type of clips I would pick. And there's like, there was like 10 of them in there. So he realized, Okay cool, this is how Jeremy thinks. And then he's able to then go through and every time he sends you one of he things, I'm like, Damn, that's exactly what I would've picked. So he's gotten really good at learning exactly how I think and like what I would want to promote.

And then he just makes it look prettier. Um, cuz you know, I'm not very graphic. Designy artsy. So like that was a really big deal too. And he's been with us for a year and a half and he's. So 

Ismail Humet: it sounds like the advice is to systemize it, make it as simple as possible, but that it also takes time, [00:12:00] uh, no matter what for them to learn how you want to 

Jeremy Slate: do it.

Exactly. Like, like it needs to be systemized and like when, when I'm building a process, and like I said, I do every process myself first. Some business owners may think I'm nuts, but at the same time, like I do this any. A, anything in your business that you don't know how it works, you're gonna be effect of that, right?

Like, like, you know, if the Google ads aren't working and you don't know how Google Ads worked, then they're just gonna be like, Oh, we just gotta spend more money and be like, Okay, spend some more money. Like, and if that's not gonna fix the problem, you get what I'm saying? So like when I, when I'm building a process, I open up a Google sheet and I list every single step about it.

Is one part of it. Then the other thing I do is, and people have different softwares, they like, I literally just use, uh, QuickTime on my Mac to screen record, but some people like Camtasia, some people like other things, but I'll screen record and narrate an entire process and. One thing people do wrong with this is they'll say, Okay, here's a 30 minute process, or here's a 60 minute process.

The problem with that is like, let's say you change one thing, you gotta record that whole damn video again. So the thing I do is all of my process videos, they're [00:13:00] broken into four to five minute clips. So if I change something, all I gotta redo is record four to five minutes to fix that. So there's a lot of the things you need to be building in, thinking in, and how you can create less work for yourself in the future.

Because too often people say, Okay, so I want this done. Go do it. Well, if they don't know how you want it done, if they don't all the steps they want it done. If you've already figured it out, like you're gonna make it easier for somebody, you have to make a job inhabitable for somebody to be able to inhabit it.

Ismail Humet: So 

Financial strategy.

Ismail Humet: what about the barrier that I come across all the time where people. Are so busy, they need help, but they're reluctant to spend the money on somebody cuz they're not making enough. They don't feel like they're making enough to justify yet. Mm-hmm. , how do you think about that? Like, do you first have to have enough revenue to cover that person or do you stretch yourself and hire someone first?

Cuz you know they'll bring you more revenue 

Jeremy Slate: down the line. Gotta get more revenue. No, it's, it's that, that's really what it comes down to, man. Like, like you can fix a lot of problems with money, you know what I mean? Because you can pay your way out of it. So my strategy is, okay, how can I figure out how to sell more of what I'm doing so I can bring somebody on board?[00:14:00] 

Because at the same time, stretching yourself like, and just say, Okay, I'm gonna, you know, figure I'm gonna hire this person, figure it. You're gonna be stressed as hell, man, because you know what? I, I, that's what I did the first time, and it wa it wasn't great. And which means I was taking side work to write paychecks for the people I'd hired.

So like you, you don't wanna think about it that way. You wanna figure out how do I get sales and revenue up? So that I can bring on the first per, you know, bring on the next person and then bring on the next person and then bring on the next person. You could fix a lot of things with sales. So to me, I'm always trying to figure out how can we make the lead generation better?

Because if we make lead generation better, then I have people to make the booking process better. I have people to make this training process better, the flow process better. But if you have money to pay for those things, it's a game changer man. It really. 

Ismail Humet: So what do you spend most of your time on now? Is it more of this like, uh, content branding stuff, 

Jeremy Slate: or is it what I what I'm doing with you man, is, is, is, is what I do all day.

I do podcast interviews and, and, uh, for my own show and then for other people's shows, and I write a lot of content. I write way too much content. Um, go ahead. So I was gonna 

Ismail Humet: say, with the [00:15:00] writing you mentioned, 

Educational background.

Ismail Humet: you reminded me you have a. Diverse background. Right. So you're, before we get into the podcasting in more depth, there's so many things that you've done.

You studied, uh, literature writing, something like that. Um, you want, you were a teacher. I think you, you had a brush with network marketing. Uh, there was a bunch of 

Jeremy Slate: things that you, a brush with network marketing, like I like that description. I feel like everyone 

Ismail Humet: has a brush with, Oh gosh, of course, man.

I've had the same, uh, what is your take on it now that 

Jeremy Slate: it's in the. Well, here's the thing I say is I have some friends that are very, very successful in it. Um, but the thing, the thing I'll say about it is it's the best boot camp to business if you've never done business before because you learned a lot of the hard skills that you need and, you know, you learn to not be afraid of the cellphone, it is not going to bite you.

Um, though I thought it was for quite a while, so I learned a lot of those hard skills. Now I just know, given my personality, It just wasn't for me. You know what I mean? It wasn't for me. Um, and it, it didn't work out like, like I sold life insurance. I was extremely successful selling life insurance. But you know how much it sucks sitting down with somebody and being like, [00:16:00] So Ismail, you're going to die today, or die soon.

And you love your family, right? We wouldn't want anything happen to that family. Like it's like a bad mob movie. So like, Yeah. Yeah. And like I was really good at it, but like you just don't feel good doing it, you know what I mean? There's some people that are probably like, have a different viewpoint on it.

Like, Oh, well I'm helping them after they're gone or whatever it is. Like for me it just made me miserable. So you have to kind of find what works for your personality and your ability and things like that. And for me it's communicating to people. Like I've always been really, really good at that. Um, you know, you mentioned my literature background.

Um, initially, I used what my dad would call $57 words. Like, they're way too long and nobody understands what the heck they mean. So that's why like I had started with podcasting first before I started writing because I'm able to, I can talk to people like, that's not difficult. Like I can do that. Um, and I got better at writing later on by doing more of it.

And when I say got better at writing, like the type of writing that's met so people can understand it, not to sound smart. So it, it, it's, you gotta kind of find what matches your skill set, your ability level, and what you like to. [00:17:00] Speaking 

Ismail Humet: of life insurance and death, Um, I, I, I saw you were talking about death and taxes, on another, uh, show.

Uh, you had a near death experience and I think your mother also had some kind of brush as well. Yeah. I'm curious cuz

You & Your mother's near-death experience.

Ismail Humet: I actually have a very close friend that I lost recently, so it's been on my mind. I'm curious, how did that affect your journey, if at all? Mm-hmm. , uh, and, and I'm, I'm specifically curious about, uh, it seemed.

The experience with your mother affected you more Yeah. Than your own experience. So I was like, I gotta ask this guy. Why, Why did someone else's experience affect you more than your own experience? 

Jeremy Slate: Well, it it's at 19 I, I tore three major ligaments in my knee and it's supposed to be a pretty easy surgery.

Like they just take a. A ligament out of a dead guy, they put it in your leg and you're good to go. It's a cadaver ligament surgery. Um, but the surgery didn't go well and I actually got last rights during the surgery because, or after the surgery because my, my blood oxygen level just wouldn't stay up, which is one of the things they're seeing like with a lot of covid people right now is, is the blood oxygen level just isn't staying up so that people are, are doing well.

So like that, [00:18:00] that was kind of what happened to me. So I got last rights four days in. I'm just kind of fine. So it didn't. It didn't impact me at all, right? Like it didn't change my life. But then when I was 24, my mom ended up having a, a, a really bad stroke. Um, she's lost her language skills. She's lost the use of the right side of her body and things like that.

So, . That was really tough. It was tough because I think it was somebody other than myself, I think so many times because, you know, as people were selfish, you know, we, we care about what's happened with us. We see ourselves as invincible. So like for me, it didn't really change me. And I know other people have a different viewpoint on that, but that's, that's been mine.

Like, it just didn't really change me. And you know, almost losing my mom was, that was the pattern interrupt for me, man. That was the thing that kind of set me off and like, well how do I do something else? You know, what is entrepreneurship? Like, what kind of impact am I gonna make? What would happen if I die today?

Like none of those things had happened before that. That was kind of that like, You know, that trigger point moment that, that sent me off into doing a lot of what I'm doing now, Like realizing like I need to do something more. I, man, I'm, I'm [00:19:00] meant for more than like, you know, I don't know a lot of teachers, so this isn't like, you know, a, a mean thing to say, but I'm, I'm meant for more than, you know, being in a classroom with these kids.

There's a different thing I'm, I'm meant to do. 

Ismail Humet: That's exactly like the Bound to Be Rich. The name, the podcast, it's, it's targeted to people like that, right? People for whatever reason. It's not a knock on whatever you're doing as your career now, but you just have this feeling you wanna do more, you wanna do more.

Um, I don't know why that's in us or what sparks uh, you to take it more seriously. Sometimes it's, it's an event like that. But then I have relatives that have had strokes. They're fortunate enough where they're fine afterwards. Like it was like, Okay, you're lucky. Nothing. There's no lasting effect. And then because of that, you don't change your behavior.

You don't make any change. Cause you're like, Oh, I'm okay. Nothing happened. Mm-hmm. . Um, it's just a shame that sometimes these things have to happen to give you the kick to do the things that you should be doing All along 

Jeremy Slate: it. It's, it's sad, but it, but it's a pattern interrupt, man. Like, we get stuck in doing the same thing every day, to do the same things every day, to be safe, [00:20:00] to do whatever it is.

And it's. , as much as it sucks, we need that pattern interrupt sometimes to, to, to make us think in a different way. It's, I, I have a friend that I was talking to him about this yesterday and he's an artist that does some very, I don't know how to describe this interesting art pieces where other people may be like offended by them in some ways.

And he goes, You know, my, my, he goes, My idea behind art isn't to offend people. It's to wake 'em up. It's to interrupt that pattern and because I want 'em. Figure out, you know, what else they want do or that they're meant for more. And I think sometimes we just walk through life in this like st you know, and before you realize that you're 50 years old and you're real, you're trying to figure out how you got here, you know?

Ismail Humet: Right, right. So you also, um, 

Did studying world religion helped you with storytelling skill?

Ismail Humet: I'm curious about this cuz I think I saw that you studied religion, world religion at some point. Yeah, Yeah. 

Jeremy Slate: Um, yeah, I have my, i, I study world religion. Um, and my undergrad degree was a double major in Catholic theology and. . 

Ismail Humet: Okay. So I'm curious because now it seems like you're in, in a space where you're, you're utilizing a storytelling skill, right?

I think you're really good at storytelling. Oh, thank [00:21:00] you. Did you, did you learn anything from studying religions? Cause there's a lot of stories in religions, right? I feel that's the superpower of how the religion spread in the earlys. It was through stories. Yeah. Did you learn anything from that? Did you take anything from that to help you, help you in your storytelling now or not really?

Jeremy Slate: You know, I'd like to sound smart and say I did. Um, but I, I really. I've just always been somebody, whether it's religion, whether it's history, whatever. It's that I've just always enjoyed a story. Um, you know, I was reading Tom Clancy books like 11. Like I've, I've always just kind of enjoyed story and narrative, so I think it's more of the nature of who I am and kind of how I've went through life than what I studied.

If, if that makes sense. Because I've always. My, um, my parents were big believers and my parents were both like, you know, my, my mom, uh, you know, graduated high school, my dad didn't, and then he went back and got his GED later on. Um, so like to them, like reading and, and, and things like that was really, really important.

So I was reading like the classics at like five years old because that was really important to my parents and that's, you know, [00:22:00] really something. Honestly, I see as a gift from them is I've always had a love and a passion for storytelling and legends and, and things like that. So because of that, like, I don't know, the ideas of the, the hero's journey in Joseph Campbell and things like that have always just kind of been a innately a part of me, if that makes sense.

Ismail Humet: Interesting. Has that literature background helped you? 

Did Literature background helped in content writing?

Ismail Humet: You said you do a lot of content writing now, like copywriting seems to be a different beast, Like has that carried. 

Jeremy Slate: Or not really? No. It was originally, um, something that wasn't good, Like it actually made me worse at it. And I actually, um, a after I left doing all that life insurance and stuff like that, I ended up working.

And it's funny because like copywriting's literally like my superpower now, but I ended up working at a friend's, uh, marketing firm and I did that for like a year and a. And I learned how to build websites. I learned how to write copy and things like that. So for me it was actually working for somebody that was really good at it and actually sitting like when you sit down and hash out a piece of copy and you like write something that you think is great and [00:23:00] like it kind of gets all slashed and read you, you start to learn those skills of doing it, those hard skills of writing it.

And so like for me, like when I'm writing copy, I'm trying to think of like, how do I want the person to receive this? What imagery do I want this to create in their minds? What thoughts do I want this to create? Um, and, and things like that. Because really when you're writing good copy, it's all about having reality with somebody, right?

Like where you understand them, where you can make them understand you. Um, and, and I think too often when people write it, I think it's about convincing. And if you're trying to convince somebody of something, good luck. But it's about showing the reality that's there and the agreement that's there. 

Ismail Humet: I feel like copywriting is one of the most, uh, valuable skills someone can spend time learning and not a lot of people do it.

Yeah. Um, so super valuable. Um, well if you 

Jeremy Slate: look at some of the big copywriters out there, like, um, I'm trying to think of names off the top of my head. Well, like, but like a lot. What's that? Gary Halbert. Well, yeah, if you look at people like that, like they'll get paid for a contract. They get paid like $20,000 to write copy for a site because good well written copy can make people [00:24:00] so much money and it can be very effective.

So it is one of the best and most important hard skills you can. . 

Ismail Humet: So one of the reasons I wanted to touch through all that, uh, pit stops to where you are now is I feel like it's very relatable. A lot of people feel like, Oh, I'm doing this and I'm trying this other thing, and this thing didn't work, and I went to this other job, and they're jumping all over the place and they don't feel like they're getting to where they're supposed to get.

But I re I find that most people have that experience like you're not born and right away from day one after you finish school, you're in where you're supposed to be. Right. It's, it's a process. It's a, it may be frustrating at times, but you have to go through all these things and as Jeremy kind of was.

He picked up things along the way, right? So he went to the copywriting job, he learned how to do copywriting, he learned website stuff, and now he utilizes all that stuff in his current thing, right? Am I 

Jeremy Slate: wrong there? No, you're not. You're not wrong there. And I think a lot of people look at it and they're like, Man, it took you to like, you're like 27 to figure all these out.

Like, you know what I mean? Like, I'm gonna be 34 next week, but like it took me, What's that? We're still young. Yeah, we're still young man. Um, and, and we still got hair, so that matters. Um, you know, like, but like you, you're looking at it and [00:25:00] it's like, it took me till I was 27 to like figure things out. And like, I look at a lot of people that like, you know, I went to school with and like, they're doing well in finance by that age, or they're, you know, they've made it to the, the law firm by that age.

And I look at things now and now we have the juxtaposition. I don't wanna sound rude, but I'm, I'm doing better than them in a lot of ways. So like a lot of those things, each one of those things I failed at to get to that point is a huge learning experience. Like, I've taken so much from sitting down and selling life insurance.

I've taken so much from having to learn how to, how to write copy or, you know, trying to sell network marketing or whatever it is. So like each one of those things was a learning process. It's not a failure, but I think people look at it as failure. And we had this weird thing about failure in the. 

Ismail Humet: And, and I was just talking to my brother about this recently, where you're talking about comparing yourself to other people and mm-hmm.

you can't do that because the, the journey's not over yet. Like how are you gonna compare when it's not over yet? Yes. We don't know where things are gonna end up. Right. It's too early to tell. We're still young. Um, people figure things out much later than us. Mm-hmm. . So, [00:26:00] uh, it's just part of the process. But now, now I'm curious.


What made you start your podcast?

Ismail Humet: You ended up now focusing on podcasts. Uh, you have your own podcast, you help people get on other shows. Mm-hmm. , why did you decide, how'd you land on that specifically versus all the other media and all the other opportu? 

Jeremy Slate: Um, so in 2009 I walked into my professor's office. He was my, my, uh, thesis, thesis advisor.

Wow. I kind of list there, um, and. He's listening. It sounded like he was listening to like Z 100 Morning Zoo. I'm like, What are you listening to? And it was like, in the morning. It's this podcast called The No Agenda Show. Um, and I have been literally listening to that show since 2009. So like, I've like it, it kind of like made me love podcasts.

They, they, they've twice a week. Um, that's Adam Curry and John c Devork and they sit and just riff on the news for three hours and it's hilarious. And I've listened to the show twice a week for. Gosh, however many years it is since 2009. So like, I [00:27:00] really liked podcasts, so when I had done all these things that didn't work out, I'm like, Well, let me start a podcast.

I can't fail at that, right? Like, it's not like I'm intending to make money with or anything like that. It was literally just for creative outlet. And I, that approach surprisingly, did really, really well. And it, it got me 10,000 listens in my first 30 days and things like that. So, It wasn't like, I was like, I have this bread idea.

I will start a podcast and I will like, I feel like everybody now is like, I will start a podcast and I will make advertising money and it will be wonderful. So it's like, it really, it wasn't that intention, it just did really well early outta the gate and people started asking me for help and that's, you know, how we started a company out of it.

Ismail Humet: Yeah, it's funny cuz it's similar to me, where I just started as a passion project. Mm-hmm. , I had another one. Uh, Covid happened. The event industry stops. I couldn't really, the other one wasn't really, uh, it didn't feel appropriate talking about how to grow your business in the event industry when there's no events happening.

That is a little, 

Jeremy Slate: little, uh, little weird. And a lot. Cause I don't know about you, but I'm like tired of like virtual events by this pla this point I'm like, give me people back. I need some humans. [00:28:00] Please. Yeah, for sure. 

Ismail Humet: For sure. It seems like we're almost, there we're, we're we turning the corner? Thankfully.

Um, so I started as a passion thing and then I found that it took off way quicker. Um, it's kind of like, I, you struggle so much trying to make things happen in these other ventures. Mm-hmm. and the one that you just kind of do for fun that you don't feel like you're trying that hard, ends up working the best.

Well, I 

Jeremy Slate: think part of it is too, is like you'll put in more time. You'll do, you know what I mean? You'll do all these different things just cuz you'll love it and you enjoy it. Like, I dunno about you, but I, I spent so many late nights like editing podcasts cause I'm like, it was awesome. Oh, that's what it, that's what an, um, visually looks like.

All right, let's cut that. So, like, you know what I mean? Like, it's like, I, I really, when you really love, it's easier to do. 

Ismail Humet: And now

Message from Sponsors.

Ismail Humet: a quick message from our sponsors.

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All right, let's get back to the show. 

Why is a podcast a good medium?

Ismail Humet: Why do you find the medium so valuable? Like for me, like I was saying, it's so easy. It feels easy, and I'm sure for you, you've done so many, it's like natural. You just come on here, you talk it, It's [00:30:00] a very easy thing to do. 

Jeremy Slate: Yeah, I usually, I usually like not to, like, once again, not toot my own horn, but I usually say like, man, if I'm, I'm pretty easy person to talk to, so, So somebody's hard to interview a man.

They're hard to interview . Yeah, no, I've 

Ismail Humet: actually, I've, So I'm curious to hear your advice here. Cause I've had people tell, I'm great at asking questions. Mm-hmm. , I'm like Oprah in the other industry for asking questions and I'm like, How do you make money? Asking questions like, Yeah, why do I have to be burdened with a skill that doesn't have a career?

Um, so I'm like, All right. It seems like podcasting or some kind of show is the way to utilize and build that skill. Mm-hmm. , uh, it's a tough thing to monetize though. Maybe you're more advanced here. 

Jeremy Slate: Than I am. No, I, I, I don't disagree with you because I think the, the idea a lot of people have around it is, is they look at Joe Rogan, like, they're like, Oh my gosh, build this giant thing and you'll be Joe Rogan.

Cause everybody thinks you're gonna be Joe. There's a South Park episode back in, like if you can't tell I have adhd cause I jump all over the place. Um, there was this South Park episode back in the day when like YouTube first got popular, so maybe like 2007. And they, they all thought like viral videos had just started.

So like, [00:31:00] We're gonna make the magical internet money because you like, make a video and all of a sudden you're rich. So I think people think that's how it is about podcasting, right? Like they make a podcast and they like get all this advertising money and blah, blah, blah. And for less than one half of 1% sure that's what it is.

You know what I mean? They're the people that are gonna make a lot of money off advertising revenue and things like that. Um, for the rest of us, um, as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story, um, like for the rest of us, It's really about like, how is what I'm doing going to create more attention for my business or create more leads in my business, Create more high level networking like you and I sitting here chatting, like, you know, if we didn't have podcasts, there wouldn't be a reason we're talking right now.

You know what I mean? So it's like it's, it's when you're looking at it that way, it's a really. Interesting tool in that way because it can create trust, it can create a lot of the things people are missing in their businesses and in their life. And so that's why I think it's pretty awesome cuz it's a, it's something where you're having long form conversations with people.

You're not, you know, just reading a blog or something like that. [00:32:00] It's, it's a very different medium that has an ability to connect people. No, 

Ismail Humet: that's spot on in my previous podcast. Um, That's still going on by the way. People listen to you for an hour a week. Like that's like a long time to listen to somebody.

You build a lot of trust with that individual. And when it came time to, like we were organizing conferences and live events and selling courses and stuff like that, people bought instantly because they knew you, they trusted you. It was a much easier sale cause you put that time in up front. Um, so it, it's hard to measure I think, but the value seems to be there.

So I'm curious now, 

Do people understand the value of being on a podcast?

Ismail Humet: when you have command your brand and these. Come to you. Mm-hmm. . Um, do they understand the value of being on podcast or are you selling them on the value? 

Jeremy Slate: I'm selling 'em on the value of storytelling. , you know what I mean? And, and the value of, of connecting with other people. Because I think so of times we have people come that say, Don't really know what podcasts are yet.

You know what I mean? They just, they're like, Oh, I hear about it. It's cool. It, it sounds interesting. So for me, it's more about the value in telling your story to people that actually care about your story. Because that's the, the beautiful part about, like, what we do [00:33:00] is there's so many different niches out there, right?

Like you can really niche down, you can really get in front of who you want to be in front. And I think that's the real value in this. So when I'm talking to people about this, it's, it's, it's really telling your story in a long form to people that would actually care about your story and that you actually want to care about your story.

Cause I find so many times in, in other mediums, they're looking at, okay, so my ad spend is this, it's this and it. So it's like, it's very different than a lot of mediums cuz you're actually able to connect with people and tell your story.

Is it too late to start the podcast?

Jeremy Slate: Do you think 

Ismail Humet: it's too late? Like if there's entrepreneurs, listen, That aren't different fields, but is it too late to start podcasts?

Is it too competitive now or do you still think, uh, it's worth starting, want to grow your brand? 

Jeremy Slate: So I, I think that the viewpoint on this is when you look at it, if you're going to do exactly what everyone else is doing, then I wouldn't start a podcast. You know what I mean? Cuz like, I, I always, and I, and it's funny cause I said this to him a couple weeks ago, but like you look at John Lee Dumas is done with Entrepreneur on Fire, he's done a great.

But there's like a hundred thousand people that try to do that exact show, [00:34:00] and it's kind of like, all right, so why would they listen to you? And they can just go listen to John who did it first. So you need to look at like what makes you different, how you communicate that's different, or what you do that's different.

I, if you're going to just do exactly what everybody else is doing and, and rip them off, there's really no point for you to do it. So you need to find out what you're doing that's different and really pound that in. And then you should do a podcast. You shouldn't do a podcast if you're gonna do the exact same thing everybody else is.

Tips to increase podcast listeners.

Ismail Humet: How do you advise growing a podcast? Like getting new listeners. 

Jeremy Slate: Oh man, there, there's like one, one. You should be having conversations in other shows just like we have here. Like that's honestly the best one because you're getting in front of people that already listen the podcast like . How many times in your like real life have you told people you have a podcast and they're like, You have a what and where do I find it?

Like there's like 27 steps to finding a podcast. So like when you're, when you're trying to grow your show, like the first thing you'd be doing is getting in front of people that already listen. Because they're fans. So that's one part. Um, the other part is, um, I'm, I'm really excited you're doing video now because video [00:35:00] has been one of the keys to growing my show is we've been doing a lot more video because we've been doing a lot of those 30 to 62nd teaser clips.

We've been doing like longform on YouTube and stuff like that. So you're giving yourself other places to be found and people really, really like video because like when you look at. A lot of these other platforms, discoverability for us when we're audio only is really hard, right? Because you can't post an audio clip on Facebook.

And if you do and you do like one of those headlines with a static image, people are like, Yeah, whatever. You know what I mean? So it's like it's engaging in a way that it helps us get past the barrier of how do I use this platform? So for me it's, it's. Doing more video. Um, it's that, um, I know also recently, and I can send you the article on this if you like, um, Spotify has kind of started showing people how you can use Spotify ads now and to do call outs on other shows to, to promote your stuff.

So I haven't done that yet, but something I'm gonna try, I can definitely send you the article. Um, but, uh, you know, for me it's, it's go on another shows and it, it's really creating like quality video pieces because that is what gets you past that first barrier. Do you 

Ismail Humet: find those [00:36:00] video pieces get people onto, because you're right, it's hard to get people that don't listen to podcasts to listen to it.

Mm-hmm. . But the once they do listen and they're a loyals listener mm-hmm. , that's a very valuable like, Oh my gosh. Yeah. You can compare that to like a social media follower or anything like that. No. Uh, but do you find that those video pieces actually get people to listen to the show? Or do you like, view that as a separate kind of engagement?

Hey, these are my social media followers. They get the content this way. 

Jeremy Slate: So it's thinking in brand image, right? Like if you're, Because here's the thing, like people may be interested in the clip. They're like, Oh, that's cool. But then at some point in time you may do one that grabs them and that's when they become a listener.

You know what I mean? Like you may have people like, Oh cool video. I like it. It's interesting. And then eventually you have a guest or a topic that really gets them, they become a listener. So I think that's more of the viewpoint you have to have on it is its continual brand awareness and continually promoting what you're doing in a way that people can see it.

Um, but. It's hard to say, like, every single one you do is gonna grab you this many listens and da da da. It's just, that's just not how it works. It's more about awareness and more about like, being there for when people actually see the one they want. Because like, how many [00:37:00] podcasts do you subscribe to that you know, you don't listen to every episode.

You're like, Oh, well that this one sounds interesting. Or you may skip one for a month. Like, you know what I mean? Like the last episode of, of the School Greatness I listened to is when he had Kobe Bryan on Kobe passed away last January. So it's like, you know, you, you, you continue like listening. You, you have somebody you're subscribed to.

But you grab it because the topic interests you. So it's, it's very similar to 

Repurpose long-form content.

Jeremy Slate: how you're promoting your video on social media. 

Ismail Humet: Another thing you kind of touched on there was, uh, repurposing content basically, right? Mm-hmm. . So everyone's busy. Uh, you talk to people about they gotta do video, they gotta do social, they gotta do this, they gotta do that, and they just look at you like, you crazy.

How do you, how do you do it all? Yeah. And I find that it seems like the best way to do it is to create long form and then repurpose that into other ways. But I'm curious to hear your advice. How do you do it? How do you tell entrepreneurs to like really squeeze out the value of whatever they're already.

Jeremy Slate: Well, I'd say first and foremost, like what can you do with the lowest commitment level? Because you know, once again, you mentioned like, we're busy, man. So it's like, for me, the initial promo pieces I was creating, like I said, I was creating 'em myself. [00:38:00] I realized, okay, if I keep 'em to 60 seconds, that means I can use 'em on Instagram because Instagram keeps you to 60 seconds.

So I created it with that in mind. Is, how can I create? And, and it's, it's funny cuz my advice people now is like, Oh man, don't create one piece of content you can do for every platform, but when you're starting out and if you can at least do that, that is going to help you move the ball. You know what I mean?

Like, you gotta figure out what is the single thing I can commit to and, and how can I do that now? Like, It's also realizing how to personalize that piece of content for different platforms. Like LinkedIn likes long form written content. Um, you get like 1300 characters and I'm usually telling, trying to tell a story to get somebody engaged, but I'm also sharing that video I created with it.

So you're, you're figuring out like, how can I get the most outta the, this piece I'm creating with the minimal amount of my time? 

Ismail Humet: And it sounds like you're in a place where you're spending your time understanding these systems, the platforms, Yes. How to best like, utilize them. Creating the actual content that everything else, it sounds like is outsourced, Like the creating Well, 

Jeremy Slate: it's not outsourced, it's, it's insourced.

We just have people on the team that do it. 

Ismail Humet: It's off your plate, personally, is 

Jeremy Slate: what I'm trying to say. And it took a [00:39:00] long time to get to that 

Ismail Humet: though. Gotcha. Okay. So you, you're just focusing on creating the content. They're all creating the snippets, the blog posts. Reaching out to people, all that stuff, and you're focusing on the highest value.


Jeremy Slate: here's the, here's the one thing is I do have 'em reaching out to the people I want to interview, but at the same time, I've also been like, like my like thing I like to hang my shingle on is I've been really good at getting in touch with certain types of celebrities. So I actually still do a lot of that too.

Um, because I've kind of figured out the knack of how to get in touch with people. So that is something I still do. . Oh, it depends, man. I, I do a lot on Instagram. Um,

How to get in touch with celebrities?

Jeremy Slate: I do a lot of direct messages and things like that. I've had to, uh, And you wanna keep it short and mention some of the people you've interviewed because they wanna be part of that social proof.

Um, the other thing as well, there's a site called contact any And I think if you pay 'em 2 97, you get like a membership for the year. It's been pretty decent. Like it's, it's, it's hit or miss. Like some of are good, some of 'em aren't, but I've gotten a lot of guests that way by knowing who to talk to and how to talk to 'em.

Ismail Humet: Interesting. I, I feel like it depends on what you mean. Like some celebr, like a-list superstar celebrities, it's hard to [00:40:00] reach no matter what. Oh, yeah. 

Jeremy Slate: Well, some people I think are celebrities, other people don't think are celebrities, so, you know. Exactly. So it's a perception. Social 

Ismail Humet: media changed the game.

Like I find, Yeah. I'm not even that. I'm, I'm slacking on social media. I just have a larger audience in, in the audio format. Mm-hmm. and I still am able to reach a lot of people that I've been following for years that I've been listen. By tweeting them or DMing them. It's amazing the power of social media and 

Jeremy Slate: connecting people.

Yeah, like I'm a big fan of, of Brad Thy, I dunno if you've heard of him. He, he's a, he's a thriller author, and I got him last year by tweeting him. Like, like, okay, that's cool. Yeah. So like it's, you have so much more access to people than you've ever had before. And maybe some people don't 

Ismail Humet: care about 

Jeremy Slate: Brad Thor, but for you.

Exactly. For me, that was like, Oh my god, Brad Thor. 

Ismail Humet: Um, okay, so

PR vs. Marketing.

Ismail Humet: how do you, I know you're also big on like pr, um, 

Jeremy Slate: Well, we've, that's what we've been talking about the whole time here, is pr. We, we really have, because PR is creating that no, like, and trust factor. How do you differentiate 

Ismail Humet: between PR and marketing?

Because people 

Jeremy Slate: get That's my favorite question. There you go. Here you go. That's my favorite question because people don't understand it. Like, you know what I mean? [00:41:00] When you're like, we, we've been talking about here is pr a lot of what we've been talking about and I, I think a lot of times like PR is, is creating no like and trust factor.

It's creating that, you know, I'm an expert at this factor. Now marketing is what you put behind it so that more people see it, right? Like that's the paid traffic, that's the campaign, that's the where you're gonna do it. But PR is that, no. Like and trust factors. The right articles, it's the right media placements, it's the right ways you're communicating, Like a lot of social media posts are pr, but it's what are you going to when you actually put power behind it and a plan behind it.

That's where the marketing comes in. It's, it's, There is symbiotic thing. So it's hard to see where one begins and one ends, but when you're creating that, no, like, and trust factor. That's PR man. Like we've been talking about here, like when you're being on a podcast, that's a PR action. Like as much as people say, Oh, I, I don't wanna spend that money in marketing, It's not marketing.

Being on the show is pr and then what you do with the show after it's done, that's marketing. You know what I mean? Like, okay, I've got this piece, I'm gonna promote it, I'm gonna get it out to these people. We're gonna put this paid traffic behind it. That's marketing. 

Ismail Humet: If, if you had someone telling you, um, I'm so busy.

Um, [00:42:00] I can't measure the ROI of pr. Mm-hmm. , uh, why should I do it? Like how do you justify spending all this time on PR when it's so hard to measure what you get out of it? I find that people get stuck there. 

Jeremy Slate: I'm a child of the eighties. Are you a child of the eighties? Yes, the late eighties. Okay. You remember?

Well, I was born in 87, so like, um, there used to be a game, I dunno if you remember this, called Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Oh yes. So I always explain to people like this, if you want to keep playing Hungry, Hungry Hippo, Then treat everything as marketing and you'll keep playing hungry, hungry hippos. See, because what happens is like, once again, when you're doing the right pr, your marketing works better.

Your marketing's more effective. People know who you are, so when they see your marketing message, they will take action on it. So that's the way I explain it to people. If you don't do pr, you're gonna keep throwing your money away on marketing campaigns that aren't converting. So you need to be able to do both, or you're gonna keep playing hunger hungry hippos.

So the cows come home. 

Ismail Humet: And, and for people that are, I'm gonna wrap it up with a couple quick, quick [00:43:00] questions, but Sure. Man. For entrepreneurs that are, um, like, let's say a photographer, a dj, um, a construction company owner, a contractor, uh, they don't feel like they're doing anything, uh, special. Let's say, uh, because this is what people have told me.

Uh, what am I gonna put out there? Mm-hmm. , What am I gonna, if I create a podcast, what am I gonna talk about? Who's gonna listen to me? Mm-hmm. , who's gonna follow me? Yada, yada, yada. How do you, uh, address that kind of barrier? 

Jeremy Slate: I always say it like this, like, of course you don't see what you do, especially do it every day.

I tell people to survey your customers and, and have them tell you what they find special about what you do. You'd be surprised when you find that out. So to me it's, it's more of a survey action, figuring out what people, you know, that you service like, about what you do. And you'll be surprised because I, um, I didn't interview the other day with, uh, with Donald Miller.

Um, he's the, the author of. Uh, story brand. And he said that, that one of the things people do is they too often think in the solution they create rather than the problem they solve. So when you start thinking about exactly what you solve for people, [00:44:00] it's, it's different, man. So that's why you wanna find out what problem I solving for you so that I can differentiate myself using that.

Ismail Humet: Yeah, I think that's totally spot on. It's, it doesn't feel like a big deal to you, but other people, uh, don't have the same skill set. Like I see some YouTube videos about people like, uh, installing like an electrical. Can't million 

Jeremy Slate: views . Dude, I, I, I wired a light last night. It took me like three hours. I was so proud of myself.

Like, you have no idea. But 

Ismail Humet: to the, to the contractor, they're like, Why would I record a video of me putting together an 

Jeremy Slate: outlet, right? Because I will go search for it and find it and do it. 

Ismail Humet: people need that. Uh, so one, one question ask everybody is, uh, 

What is a rich life to you?

Ismail Humet: we talked about a lot of different things here, a lot of elements of life from family to business to like balancing everything.

What is a rich life to you at this? 

Jeremy Slate: Rich life has nothing to do with money. It's to do with awesome experiences, places and people like. That's been the, the bummer the most to think about the last year and a half is there's been a lot of travel and things like that in my life and I haven't really been able to do that.

So Rich life is a life full of [00:45:00] experience and full of incredible relationships. That's a real rich life to me. Amen to 

Ismail Humet: that. Um, 

Parting words

Ismail Humet: so is there anything else that you wanna leave people with? Any party messages? Uh, obviously anything you mention I will link to in the show notes. 

Jeremy Slate: No, I would just say that, um, what they should do, um, is they should go into Apple Podcast right now and, you know, they should look up The Bound to Be Rich podcast and they should write you a review because you know you're doing an awesome service for them.

And I think they should really, um, you know, help more people to find you and that's how they can help you. That is a 

Ismail Humet: baller move right now. , 

Jeremy Slate: why do you, I've 

Ismail Humet: been on some podcasts. I gotta ask you the follow up there. Why do you do that? 

Jeremy Slate: Because I love getting reviews myself, man, so I'm sure other people do too.

Ismail Humet: Yeah, that's an opportunity for someone to. Uh, plug something that they're doing and you're, you're providing value back to me. So that's 

Jeremy Slate: awesome. Hey, I've been hanging out with you for almost an hour. I've gotten so much value outta this man. Like, I don't need to promote myself more . 

Ismail Humet: Yeah, I, I think people, if they listen to, uh, someone that long, they already know whether they're, uh, gonna be a fan and follow a person.

So, uh, if people wanna check you out, I'll link to all the [00:46:00] stuff in the show notes of your podcast, your website, um, if anyone needs help getting on, on podcast themselves, I will link to everything there. And, and for now, 

Thank You & Wrap up!

Ismail Humet: thank you Jeremy. I really appreciate you taking the time, man. 

Jeremy Slate: Absolutely. I really enjoy this conversation today.

Awesome. Thank you so much. 

Ismail Humet: And there you have it. If you enjoy this episode, please remember to leave a review. I may even give you a shout out and read yours out on the show for any and all resources that we discussed. Check out the show notes or head on over to bound to be Until next time.