Bound to be Rich

Trading Tips From The Best Traders

Ismail Episode 22

I reached out to some of the best traders on Twitter and asked them all one question... what is your best advice to aspiring traders?

And WOW, I was blown away by some of the people who took the time to contribute. This episode is packed with a goldmine of valuable tips from people who not only earn a living from trading, but some who have become legends in the industry.

I will link to every person's Twitter profile and any other resources they offer in the show notes here ->

If you are interested in trading, make sure you subscribe because for the next month I'll be releasing some incredible in-depth interviews with successful traders to dissect why they are able to succeed where many others can't.

I've also been fortunate to interview some great traders already, you can look through my past episodes for those.

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[00:00:00] Welcome to The Bound to Be Rich podcast, where I attempt to reverse engineer people who seem to be successful, no matter the circumstances, so that you can apply those lessons to your own life. I'm your host, is Mel Hume. One quick thing before we get started. I am starting my own email newsletter and I would love for you to join it.

It's going to be like a personal note for me to my friends, of all the best things I've come across that month from hacks and tips, interesting stories, products, books, ways to make money, and who knows what else. It's totally freight and if you don't like it, you can always opt out at any time, so there's no downside.

The link to join is in the show notes, and I hope to see on the list in this episode. We've got quite the treat. I reached out to some of the best traders on Twitter and I asked them all one question. What is your best advice to aspiring traders? I thought it'd be pretty cool to compile all this advice into one resource, especially since everyone and their mother now seems to be getting into trading.

I wanted it to feel like you were in the room with these successful traders and got to personally ask them for [00:01:00] advice. And wow. I was blown away by some of the people who actually took the time to contribute. This episode is packed with a gold mine of valuable tips from people who not only earn a living from trading, but some who have become legends over decades of performance.

I'll link to every person's Twitter profile and any other resources that they offer in the show notes. And if you're interested in trading, make sure you subscribe because for the next month I'm releasing some incredible in depth interviews with successful traders to dissect why they're able to succeed when many others can't.

I've also been fortunate enough to interview some great traders already, and you can look through my past episodes for those. With that, let's dive.

Advice from Jack of TrendSpider.


First up, we have Jake, a founder of Transpire. And in my opinion, Jake is one of the best charts on Twitter. I've personally learned a lot from following him and seeing how he breaks down and analyze his charts. Uh, and in my experience, I've found him to be extremely generous at this time, and it seems like he genuinely wants everyone to become a better trader.

The single best piece of advice that I would give a new trader would definitely be to focus on what works for you and your personality. There's a lot of ways to trade. There's a lot of strategies to trade, and a lot of the time people get caught up in, you know, how much money someone else is making and they're trying to make the same amount of money.

And you know, what works for one person may not work for somebody else. Somebody could be down, you know, 10% on their account and, uh, be able to sleep just fine at night with a lot of conviction or just maybe not a lot of risk management then someone else. Um, you know, may not be able to sleep at night if they're down 0.25% in their account.

[00:03:00] So it's really just about what works for you as an individual and, uh, what really works for your personality. So that's definitely the first thing. Second thing would be to definitely learn at least the basics on supply and demand. The supply and demand curves. What causes, uh, you know, prices to move up?

What causes prices to move down? You're not always going to have prices increasing because simply buyers stepped in. You can have prices going up because there's no supply, and the price has to go up in order to find sellers. So, Definitely focus on what works for you and your personality as well as learning the basics of supply and demand and just general economics can be a big help.

And uh, yeah, that is my advice. Next up, we have 

 Alex Mashinsky - CEO of Celcius

Alex Masinsky. Alex is one of the rare human beings in history to have founded in lead multiple billion dollar companies. He's currently with CEO of Celsius. For those of you who don't know, sales use is basically a platform for you to store your cash or your crypto [00:04:00] to earn a yield.

And I think right now they're paying just over 10% on your cash, 6% on your Bitcoin, and 5% on your Ethereum. If you're interested in checking it out, I will have a link to it in the show notes, and if you sign up via my link, you'll get $50 in free Bitcoin. But I really wanted to include his advice here because he has experienced trading early in his career, and as the CEO of a major crypto company where he manages, you know, tens of billions of dollars worth of crypto, I thought he'd have some unique insight, particularly for crypto traders.

Well, and the, the, the best advice is that, that. When you're making money, don't get confused with being in a good market, with you being a super good trader. Uh, which means that what happens is that you get so much confidence that you, every trade you make is great, or nine outta 10 you win. Uh, that when the market turns, uh, you continue to take the same beds, a similar bes, and uh, you start [00:05:00] losing and you don't realize that the market is turned.

You were just saying, you just think to yourself that you can continue to doing. Do what you do. Uh, and that's like you get into the bear a bear trap, or you get into all kind of other things that really, uh, uh, make you lose a lot of money. So, so unless you are, uh, a world pro at, at picking trends and knowing ahead of others when markets will turn, and very, very few people do that very well, uh, you're gonna end up, uh, losing money, uh, on the, in the long run.

So don't get confused between a bull market. And you being a genius. Next up we have 

Zack Morris - Master Furu

Zach Morris, aka the Master Furu. Um, Zach is arguably the most popular trader on Twitter. He's made some incredible calls over the last year or two. Um, he's got a very loyal following, almost like an army of retail traders, and he's become so influential that, uh, some companies actually reference him in their earnings.

[00:06:00] Um, if you guys are stuck in a rut, take a break. You know, because all you're gonna do is revenge trade and get yourself in a deeper hole. Take a break, clear your mind, and focus on plays that work. Don't get desperate, don't chase alerts. Just wait for the right setup, But take a break first. You're gonna need it.

All right, Love you. Bye. 

Jontay Porter - NBA Player.

Next up we've got Jte Porter, an NBA player for the Memphis Grizzlies, and a successful trader. I was fortunate to interview Jte in episode five of this podcast, so you can check that out if you want to hear a more in depth conversation where we talk about things like how he's turned.

50,000 into 200,000 in three days. Uh, how he's grown $5,000 into a hundred thousand dollars multiple times, and I've been following him for a while. Um, he doesn't make public calls very often, but I don't know, man. It seems like when he does, it's got a high success rate. So here's his advice. Well, I find, [00:07:00] um, especially with people that ask me questions and ask for help, is that too many people are getting in too early without enough knowledge.

When you look at, you think a quick, which as weed losing the money

Yeah. Would say people are getting in too quick without learning the fundamentals learning. Learning how to manage their own positions. I mean, I see people, they just keep asking like, When do I get out? When do I get out? Not knowing how to manage their own positions, uh, and that, that's just for options. I think equity is a whole nother monster, but I think just educate yourself, iffy because you know, that's not real money.

The psychology of it, like we said, is the biggest thing. Uh, and then just slowly scale into it. See how you do with it. Don't quit just cause you lose money. I think money, losing money is the biggest teacher as we discussed, and yeah. Surround yourself by other good traders like I have. I wouldn't be had the trader I am today without consulting and balancing ideas off other people.[00:08:00] 

Yeah, man, that that's really just a few bits and pieces of advice I'd give. 

 Mark Minervini.

Next up we've got Mark Vinney. Mark is someone with a huge track record record in trading. He was featured in the famous Stock Market Wizard book by Jack Schrier. He's also the author of Best sellers like Trade, Like a Stock Market Wizard, and Think and Trade Like a Champion, and he's an expert that's often brought on to shows on CNBC for his input on financial markets.

Here's his advice. Records are meant to be broken. And there's a record breaker inside of you, and you should believe it because anything that someone else has done, you can do even more because you now stand on their shoulders and you can learn and improve on what has come before you remember the trailblazers and the role models are there to show you what you are indeed capable of and much more.

Nomad trader

Next up, we've got the no mat Trader. He's becoming famous lately for the rapid flow where he [00:09:00] basically tries to identify, um, options that are getting a lot of flow in that moment to jump in for quick trades and take 10% gains. Uh, and he's been documenting every trade and every exit on Twitter, and I think he turned a $10,000 account into a quarter million in like three months, and it's still going.

So here's his advice. Number one is accountability. You have to be accountable to somebody. So that's number one is accountability. That someone, some, someone somewhere is holding me accountable. In this case, it's my Twitter account, so the fact that I put everything on there, I know that I have to post these things, and a lot of times I don't want to just.

Splash around, which leads me to number two, which is over trading. Over trading is freaking the one of the biggest killers of accounts. And it's funny, now that I post all my trades on Twitter's, all entries, all exits. I've noticed a lot of times on the days when I think I'm gonna do really, really well, cause I've had all these wins, but I've also had some losses.

I don't make nearly as much money as like days like [00:10:00] yesterday or today where I had less than 10 trade. . Um, and this, you know, I just make a lot. At the end of the day, I have way more money than I started with on these days. When I, when I'm into like, the, you know, 15, 20 trades, I don't make as much, even if I'm highly successful.

It's crazy. But remember, the house always wins. So minimize the house advantage by just playing your high conviction, high conviction things, which is number three to answer your initial question. I go, I just, I am very, I try to be as patient as possible. I try to be as disciplined as possible, and I try to go off my main alerts.

Next up, we've got Trading Compos. 

Trading Composure.

Trading Composure is a investor with over 17 years experience in the market and a mindfulness teacher. And I personally really love following him and suggests you do as well because he is one of the few people that talks about the psychology of trading. And in my experience, once you've learned the technicals and the fundamentals, trading is mostly a mental game.

So here's his advice. Well, um, I would say [00:11:00] if you're just starting out, trade super small position sizes. Don't focus on making money yet. Focus on learning. Find out your personality type that will determine what type of trading you choose to do, whether that's day trading, swing trading, uh, scalping options, futures, What.

Figure out your personality and natural inclinations and seek to leverage your strengths and learn to handle yourself as well. This is a big part of trading. It's, it's the mental, the psychological aspect of it, and I would say, Try to view the whole process of learning how to trade, perhaps not as a chore, but as a challenge.

Something you want to take on, Something you wanna learn to do. Right. Okay. It's like when you go to the gym, if you've never set foot in a gym before, you don't [00:12:00] immediately start bench pressing for, um, 45 pounds. Plate on each side of the bar. No. Well, if you do that, you're bound to hurt yourself. Instead, what you do is that you start small and slowly over the days, weeks, and months, you monitor your progress and add more weight slowly but surely.

So, yeah, that, that's how it's done. Basically, when you lift weights, you can't skip steps. Your body will not allow you to do so, but in trading you can. And that's what gets people into trouble. They trade big sizes right from the get go. They. They make creating this emotional rollercoaster, which in turn generates and reinforces this negative feedback.

You know, I hope this helps, and now a 

Message from Sponsors.

quick message from our sponsors.[00:13:00] 

If you are a trader or interested in trading, I strongly recommend you check out the financial cloud. I've personally spent a lot of time in the last couple years learning, trading, following different people and joining different groups. But as soon as I joined the financial cloud, I was blown away and immediately knew this was the best resource out there.

It was like finding a diamond in the rough, especially in the world of trading where there's a lot of Charlottes out. I'm such a fan that this is actually the only ad where I personally reached out and requested that they let me promote them. So that should say something. I attribute a lot of my own success in trading to the financial cloud, and I love the team there, so I'm more than happy to help spread the word.

I've also got several of my family and friends to join. My favorite feature is the live. So for literally the entire market day, I'm listening to professional traders calling out plays and describing what they're seeing. There are also algorithms they've built that notice [00:14:00] unusual activity and instantly call them out to alert you.

And I'll admit I was skeptical about bots at first until I saw how effective they were. So believe it or not, these plays are now the core of my trading. And of course, there's also the disc core group with a huge active community, nonstop education and classes offered as. Quite honestly, they do not charge enough for all the value they provide.

Sign up via the link in the show notes to get a seven day free trial and 50% off your first month. Or you can just use promo code Rich, r i c h, and within that time period you'll know if it's worth it. In my experience, it's been a total no brainer.

All right, let's get back to the show.

Cameron Newell.

Next up, we've got Cameron. Cameron was featured in episode eight of this podcast, which by the way is the most downloaded episode of the entire podcast, and he's most known for being a Domino's pizza delivery driver that turned a thousand [00:15:00] dollars into $5 million day trading stocks.

In less than a year. I think now he's up to 10 million plus. It was 5 million at the time I interviewed him, and it sounds so un unbelievable that Business Insider actually interviewed him and verified his earnings with an auditor. So it's a crazy story and what I mostly appreciate about Cam and I, why I think the episode's done so well that he doesn't put himself on a pedestal.

He makes it a point to everybody that, Hey, if I can do it, you can too. Here's his. As a new trader, generally when I, my back was against the wall when I lost about half my net worth when I first started, I kind of realized I would take entries that basically if I wasn't green right off my entry, then it wasn't a good enough entry and I stopped out.

So generally, you know, one of the biggest things that helped me when I, when I had lost about half my net worth is I would try and take trades with very, very low risk work. Really, really hard on my entries. That way if I went into the red, I knew. That my entry wasn't good enough. That one little thing for me changed my career [00:16:00] forever.

Um, another thing for new traders is, you know, making sure you know, you're putting in the time you're studying, you're, you know, you're, every day, you know, whether it be 30 minutes or an hour or two hours a day or whatever you have, you, you know, for me it was more like 10 to 12 hours a day in the very beginning.

You know, you get in what you put out, what you, you get what you put forth. And so, you know, you can't just expect to be this great trader if you don't put the time and study. And people ask me all the time, What do you study? Anything I can get my hands on, Anything on YouTube, Any, um, really knowledgeable trader, um, that I've seen in, um, You know, the trading industry I try and learn from.

Um, I just never stop trying to soak up knowledge even to this day because that knowledge is power in the trading industry. You know, if you are continuously learning and continuously wanting to study and continuously wanting to improve your trading game every single day, you know, one thing that [00:17:00] I, that something that stuck with me that someone mentioned was if you're not chasing perfection and trading, then why are you even.

And you know, even though we might never get there, if you're not chasing perfection and trading, then why are you even trading? Because that if you're just trying to be okay or all right, then you know, that might just fate. You know, if, if you're not chasing perfection and trading, then remember why are you even trading?

And that's kind of what I would leave you guys with is that, um, you know, other than. As always, guys. Um, check out nor Um, it's a free chat room. We also have a very knowledgeable foundational room there. Um, and I look forward to seeing a lot of you guys. Thanks guys. 

 Brian Feroldi.

Next up we've got Brian Aldi.

Brian is on a mission to spread financial wellness, and he's got a lot of great content on YouTube and Twitter about money investing in self improvement. I'll link to that in the show notes as well as as investing c. Here's his advice. Watch the business, not the stock. [00:18:00] All right? Since that one was so short, I feel obligated to at least attempt some commentary that I hope will do.

Brian Justice. Uh, he has a Twitter thread on this that I'll link to in the show notes, but I think why, you know, this has become one of his mantras to follow the business, not the stock is because, He sees that stocks are volatile, like it goes up and down every day. Sometimes there are wild swings. Um, the market sells off, the market pumps, uh, but the underlying business is not that volatile, right?

The revenue is still growing. The team is still growing. They're still doing what they do, and I think he boils it down to the fact that stock and business is 0% correlated in the short term, but 100% correlated in the long. 

Simon Lerner.

Next up we've got Simon Lerner, the CEO and founder of Net Con Trading. Simon is a successful trader that I interviewed in the episode right before this one.

Um, interesting young guy that's done very well, and he's open and honest about how he had to blow numerous accounts to get there, and he spends a lot of [00:19:00] time now teaching people and explaining the lessons he learned so you don't have to go through the same pain. Here's his advice. A lot of people think that with trading it's just all.

The charts or the screens or buying and selling or click just clicking the two buttons. But it goes so much deeper than that. Right? You know, clicking the buttons, buy and sell is probably 2% of the entire equation, right? Um, and for you to have great consistency in trading, I feel like you need to have consistency in your other aspects of life.

Your personal life and trading or business go hand in hand, right? If you don't have consistency in your personal life, you will never have consistency that you want to have in trading, and I promise you it's so much easier to. wake up and go to sleep at the same time consistently and eat well consistently and meditate consistently than it is to trade consistently well.

Right. Uh, and how you do one thing is how you do everything. And if you can do the small things correctly, you or, or consistently, you will never be able to do the big things. So I'll, I'll , [00:20:00] I'll say this in an anecdotal. Re reply as well. I, I, I think of money the same as I think of cats and I think of women, right?

If you chase it, it runs away, right? If you sit there patiently, it's gonna come to you and it's gonna ask for attention, right? It's just like a cat. You sit there, you know, you chase it, it is gonna run around and just run away from you. You're gonna sit there patiently on the couch, reading a book, is gonna come asking for attention.

Same thing with money. The first 60 months or so of my trading, My only objective was I need to recoup my losses. I need to, um, you know, make money in trading. I need to prove this to those people and myself. When the mental shift came from, I need to make this amount of money to, How about, you know, it was excite last year, You spent, you know, losing money, gambling improperly managing risk.

How about the next year you just take to. Figure out this trading thing. You're not gonna care about how much money you make or lose. The only thing that matters for you is the process, right, [00:21:00] uh, of getting better at trading. I don't care if the next year I'll make a single dime or I'll lose my entire trading cap.

All I care about is figuring this out on learning how to trade, right? And the same thing you like til today. I don't care how much I make a day or a week, um, I don't attach myself to the monetary aspect. I never have, um, a daily or weekly or monthly goals or targets for how much money to. Um, I'll, I'll talk about what's realistic, what's unrealistic, but I don't think that anybody should have a daily or monthly, you know, target of how much money they need to make.

Uh, you're focusing on the outcome rather than the process you're focusing on. You know, I need to make X amount, otherwise, you know, I'm a failure. I didn't, you know, hit my targets. It's, you know, I'm bad. But sometimes you need to understand that the market is not gonna present yourself with opportunities to make that money.

And what's gonna happen is if you have, let's say, daily goal of $500, you wanna make $500 profit every single day, some days. There's just no opportunities. The markets are choppy or that you know, you're tired or there's no market direction or no trade setting up that will allow [00:22:00] you to make that. But having a subconscious outcome that you're chasing, which is that $500 you're trying to make.

Will subconsciously make you make certain decisions and, uh, trade when you're not, not supposed to trade, uh, to try to hit that outcome. And that's how you burn through accounts. You are chasing an outcome rather than following the process. Right. 

Thomas Becker

Next up, we've got Tom Mikai. Tom is the founder and CEO of the Financial Cloud, where he spends a lot of time educating and teaching people how to trade properly, how to manage risk properly.

Um, I have an in-depth interview with him coming. So subscribe to hear that. But for now, here's his advice. So when you're starting out, people want play with real money. They want feel like they have skin in the game, right? So maybe you start with a small amount, $500,000, but you should also pay trade. You should always pay per trade when you're starting out tell you could be a profitable paper trader.

You shouldn't really use real money, cuz if you're not profitable with fake money, what makes you think you're gonna be profitable with [00:23:00] real money? Right? If you feel like you gotta learn the hard way, like most people, I would say probably 95% of people, maybe that number's a little high, but most people feel like they gotta use real money.

And you know, the cost of education's not much similar than going to college. You might spend 10, 20, $30,000 before you actually learn how to trade properly. For me, you know, I think my first year I lost $40,000. Like it was a very expense. Life lesson. Um, and that's when, you know, I hit the big win and then all of a sudden I was super profitable.

And, you know, I've been profitable since, but I also took six months off. Learned, studied, paper traded until I was profitable again, that I felt comfortable coming back. People under need to understand like 10 to 15% annual returns. Is what Wall Street expects. So if you're making 10 to 15% a day, that is insane.

You know, I've made a video, um, it's my number one video I ever made is compound [00:24:00] interest, adds up over time. You know, if you're making, we have a lot of guys actually in the group doing what they call 3% a day. Challenges. So there's like 3% a day added up over a year on a $10,000 account. You could be a millionaire by the end of the year if you're making 3% a day.

Like people don't understand. It doesn't take huge wins. It's consistency that's gonna make you money. 


Next we have Giga Mute who has had some major wins in the last couple years. Um, I have an interview with him coming soon, so I will use his opportunity to tease that interview with this clip. Here's his.

There's this idea that you're gonna become a millionaire quickly and that, you know, you can get, you see stuff on Twitter where someone turned $5,000 into a million and, and that's, honestly, that's amazing. Um, but that's really, really hard to, to, to match and to replicate. Right. And, and that's where it goes back to, you know, we talked about some of my big wins where they're over 200,000 and it's like, that's phenomenal.

That's [00:25:00] great. Well then I also had some big losses and, you know, the idea that you can. Get the steady, consistent gains above and beyond what you would normally get investing, um, compounds and, and you, and you win, right? Uh, you know, you're 25, let's say, and, and you're, you're beginning to trade. You know, Don't expect to be a millionaire by 30.

Not saying it can't happen. I'm not saying that can't be a. , but you know, you've got a lot of time ahead of you, right? And, and so be smart, be consistent, and that compounds over time. And, and then you win. I mean, there's, there's, those are, those are true principles of just putting money to work. 

Black Mamba.

Next we have the black mamba who actually immigrated to this country and is predominantly a swing trader, uh, because he has to balance it with a, a very demanding and successful career.

I also have an interview with him coming up soon, and I will use his opportunity to tease that with this clip. Here's his advice. [00:26:00] Have your goals. Write down your trading style. What works for you, right? Once you are in a trade, have your stop losses. Have your profit taking targets. Once you have reached those, get out of the trade.

If you don't know what to do, if it is good. To take a screenshot and put it in a Twitter or put it in somewhere. It's good enough to take your profits and run away with it. So learn, grow your skills. Whichever field you will go, you have to grow. Get out of your comfort zone, learn your skill, put in the effort, and let the money come to you and it will.

Thomas Watts.

Next up, we've got Thomas Watts, a co-founder of the Financial Cloud. Thomas is someone I featured in episode seven where we went into his story from overcoming cancer at a young age to now succeeding in trading. I would say Thomas is definitely more of, of a specialist in the macroeconomics. Um, and even to this day, I still stay in [00:27:00] touch with him and ping him to get his thoughts on general market conditions.

Here's his advice. I think the biggest thing is, is know what you're investing in. So people that just pull up a company, look at their, look at their, uh, financials for five or six minutes and say, Oh, okay, it looks like they're making money. And then they go invest. That's the wrong way to go about it.

That's not the way to do it. You could find a company that's losing money, but you have a very high confidence in because you've been to their stores. Right? So the biggest thing I tell people to begin to begin investing with is think of companies you shop with. Think of. If you're a big, you know, NBA fan, look at Nike, Look at Under Armour, Look at, uh, Footlocker.

I mean, look at stocks that you understand. Starbucks, McDonald's, they may not be the highest growth or the, you know, the prettiest stocks, but there's something that can get you to a different point and level and you're understanding of investing in, in trading, and allows you to see, okay, if I walk into Starbucks and I see it's bumping and I go to another Starbucks and I see it's bumping as well and there's a ton of people.

Well then it's one of those things like, okay, Starbucks must be doing pretty well, but then they go read up on Starbucks. Why are they doing well? What type of season [00:28:00] is it? And then they read up, right? You do in your due diligence is the biggest thing. Now, if you don't wanna deal with that, just just buy the s and p 500.

Don't deal with it. But if you're like me and you like to pick and choose and you're like, Okay, I don't wanna lose out in some returns because I think I can pick better stocks, well you can do that. But majority of my holdings in in, in just my personal preference in my 401k and Roth IRA and other investment.

I'm just indexing. I am, I mean, I'm not, I'm not discrediting that. I think indexing is great. I don't have to pick and choose winners. But then there's this other side of me that says, I would love to try and pick the next Tesla, which I said everybody's moving towards. That's what the market's going towards.

Uh, you just have to be very careful in the way you do it. So some, some advice would be, Don't stress yourself out, number one. Number two, don't try and overload yourself with 12 or or 13 different companies. Pick pick three good companies that you can go in. You can tell me in five seconds what they do, who they sell to, and what they sell.

You know, where are they making their money? Where they make most the revenue from? Is it United States? Is it multinational corporation? What is it? So just, just understanding your investments is probably my [00:29:00] biggest point of, of. 

 Host Ismail's advice.

And finally I thought I'd throw in my own personal device things that I learned from trading, and I think I'd boil it down to two major things.

Uh, number one, take the profits. Uh, I can't tell you how frustrating it is because I think literally almost every trade I've ever taken, uh, probably over 90% of them for sure were in profit at some point. The problem is the psychology where you think you're gonna make more. So you keep holding it, you keep holding it in.

A positive trade goes negative. Um, so either make sure you have stop limit orders set in so you can't let a good trade go bad or just take the profits. One of the. Uh, most popular TikTok clips I ever made, which I linked to in the show notes, the one viral on TikTok was talking about the power of compounding.

How those small five, 10% gains, uh, stacked over time add up to a lot. So, in one extreme example, um, you could turn a thousand dollars [00:30:00] into a million dollars. With a hundred trades of just getting 10% each, right? So stacking those compound gains adds up to a lot. The other end of that is minimizing losses.

So I've got a chart in front of me that I look at while trading, um, that shows you the, the impact of larger losses. And I'll link a picture to this in the show notes where, for example, if you have a 10% loss, It only takes 11.1% gain to offset that. But if you have a 20% loss, you need a 25% gain to offset that.

If you have a 40% loss, you need a 66% gain to offset that, and you get the point. As the loss gets bigger and bigger, the gain that you need to offset that percentage wise also gets bigger and bigger. And, you know, 

General principles of risk management.

just the general principles of risk management. I, I really, truly believe that anybody can learn to trade.

Uh, it's not that complicated to learn the patterns and, and the fundamentals and technicals. It [00:31:00] really comes down to developing your own system that works for you, right, And sticking to it. And it's ultimately a psychology and mental game, not really as much an intelligence game. All right, so what did you think of this episode?

Show wrap up!

It's a bit different than my past ones, but I thought it'd be pretty cool to try it. Let me know what you thought I am at Mr. Hume, at Mr H U M E T on Twitter. Please feel free to reach out. Obviously I link to that in the show notes as well. Uh, and once again, I've got several interviews with traders coming up, so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out in those.

In the meantime, you can scroll through my past episodes and find some great ones too. I also strongly suggest that you check out the financial cloud. I'm not a part of their team or anything. I'm just a happy member myself and after trying so many programs and discord groups, Just personally for me, it's my favorite one.

Uh, I think it's run by genuinely a great group of people, and it's the only one I recommend to my family and friends. There's a link to it in the show notes that gives you a seven day free trial so you can test it at risk [00:32:00] free and have 50% off your first month. One quick reminder before I let go to join my email newsletter, it's gonna be like a personal note for me to my friends, of all the cool things that have come across that morning from hacks and tips, interesting stories, products, books, wasting it, money, and who knows what else?

It's totally free and if you don't like it, you can always opt out anytime. The link to join is in the show notes and they hope to see you in the list. And there you have it. If you enjoy this episode, please remember to leave a review. I may even give you a shout out and read yours out on the show for any and all resources that we discussed.

Check out the show notes or head on over to bound to be Until next time.