Bound to be Rich

Turning $10k into $350k in 4 Months... And Still Going - Nomad Trader

Ismail Episode 24

In this episode, we are joined by the Nomad Trader.

Nomad is now getting a lot of attention due to a $10,000 "Rapid Flow" challenge he started. He focuses on low risk traders with small returns but has proven that those small gains compound over time. He's taken his initial $10,000 to $350,000 within 4 months. As he told me in this episode, he's going to take it to $1 million and I have no doubt of that.

We dig into his journey as a trader and we discuss a ton of things like: 

  • what makes a trader successful
  • why do most people lose money
  • what are realistic returns to target
  • his advice to aspiring traders 
  • and much more!

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Ismail: Nomad, thank you so much for making the time for joining us. I really appreciate you being here. 

Nomad Trader: I've listened to a couple of your other episodes and they're very, very informative. I appreciate how, um, you know, you take this form, you take this medium and you try to, you know, generally go out and try to help people and try to, you know, help those out there who are looking to, looking to learn, looking to educate themselves.

So I am all about that. So anything I can do to help.

Thank you. Thank you for saying that. I actually, it's funny, it started with, I used to, I, I like having these conversations all the time and then people said, Hey, you should put it out there. People will get value out of it. Um, so I, I did like a test tour of like five episodes and people liked it. Uh, they, I guess they like the way I ask questions or, or what I go into cuz I am kind of representing the audience member, right?

So I, I come at things with a fresh mindset and ask questions that I think the audience would have. All it's, it's this thing called the Curse of Knowledge, right? Where I find this all the time, like people that. For example, like you had a [00:01:00] trade or whatever it may be. Once you're in that position of knowing, it's a lot harder to remember how it was not knowing, um, that there's like a gap there.

Um, but, but I appreciate the kind words and I'm excited to dive in. Um, I guess just to set it up, would you mind giving us a little bit about background, about yourself and, and uh, I guess kind you worries you did 

before you became to know bad. 

Who is Nomad Trader?

Nomad Trader: So, you know, cuz at my core I am a serial entrepreneur, I love businesses.

Um, funny thing is I used to be a professional gamble. I think a lot of times that actually helps, uh, especially with the mentality and approach for trading. Uh, not, and not just the actual trades, but the, but like I said, the mindset and the, the bankroll management, which is so, so important for, for a lot of people.

And, um, you know, I also invested a lot in real estate back in the day. Um, I love cash producing assets as well as fixing flips. And then a few years ago I, you know, uh, kind of started building some, uh, funds, some real estate funds, but really my true bus, my true passion still getting back [00:02:00] to kind of building businesses.

And so the last, uh, really since the, maybe six months before pandemic, I really started to grow as a venture capitalist. I've invested and, um, helped a lot of, lot of small startups. Um, some success is definitely some failures for sure. Um, but I've been involved in a lot of, uh, in the full gamut of businesses.

I mean, my gosh, like. Jerky, uh, whiskey, uh, social dating apps, uh, dating apps for specific . It's, it's been a crazy, crazy thing. But during the pandemic, I started really figuring out that, um, like everybody else in America 2.0, I didn't have to go anywhere to do all these things. Um, so, uh, I started just kind of traveling and, you know, and that I kind of picked up trading, uh, at the end of last year.

And to be honest, I didn't even know what an option was, Uh, a year. In fall and one of my buddies who I know trades all the time, I remember we were actually smoking cigars and, and I [00:03:00] was kind of telling him like, Oh yeah, I, you know, he was saying, Hey, I just traded Tesla and I made X gains or whatever. I'm like, Oh, that's cool.

You know, how, how would you make that on a multiple? Because you know, if I buy a share of Tesla, you know, how is that possible? And he was kind of explaining to me options and I started really, um, kind of getting hooked and uh, 

Your background.

Nomad Trader: because before I was just training shares and it was nice cause I could use margin of course, but you know, the option game is definitely, um, so.

Uh, something for me, and I think for a lot of people that I've kind of encountered, um, even through, you know, kind of our Twitter world and through the, the TFC discord and some of the other, um, kind of communities, I think the, the classic trader as we're kind of getting to know, is very analytical, um, very engineer and mindset and, uh, very entrepreneurial and spirit.

And I think the options world really appeals to us. And so, like anything else, I'm a total type, a a hundred percent, uh, personality guy. So beginning of the year I dove in and just started really researching everything I could. I [00:04:00] cannot get enough information and I stumbled across, um, the tfc, uh, group, and they've just been incredible to work with.

I mean, I, I belong to full disclosure, I belong to multiple discords. I follow multiple, uh, fi witch traders and pros, but I definitely, uh, glean the most knowledge and, and actionable, uh, intelligence and. Information and data from TFC for sure. But to kind of, kind of bring it full circle

When and how did he start trading? 

Nomad Trader: , I started trading full time in January of this year. I, um, I hired a, uh, uh, kind of an operations manager to manage a lot of my, uh, personal businesses I was involved with. I, um, shrunk my, uh, my physical footstep on my, I have a couple offices throughout the United States. I shrunk those footsteps, very, the physical footsteps. And, um, you know, during this time I really wanted to look back on this pandemic years.

You know, later on in life, maybe when I'm a grandfather or something and I'm bouncing my [00:05:00] kid on my knee, I can be like, Hey, remember that that the great pandemic of 2020, this is what your grandfather did. And so I, I sold my beloved beach house in Southern California, and I've literally been going from, uh, from basically Airbnb to Airbnb since, and I trade.

And so I, again, like obviously we just had a little bit of. Technical issues before even this, um, kind of thing, and you, and you and you, you had it very succinctly, which is this is the one cost of nomadic life, right? . You don't have all the stuff in front of you,

Ismail: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's pros and cons, but I think there's a lot more pros. Um, you mentioned there's, there's so many rabbit holes to go into with what you said. Um, but I just wanna echo what you've said about the financial cloud, the TFC group. I'm also in, I, I've been in number of disc groups and like I have a group of friends that follow me into different groups or I joined their groups and we all agree, like it's just something about it.

It's just different than all the other groups out there. There's more education, you get to [00:06:00] know the people. Um, for me, I like listening to people live cuz trading's kind of lonely, right? You, you're kind of alone on the computer all day and hearing people, uh, talk about things or seeing or, or how they're looking at things during the trading day makes you feel a little less lonely.

For me, that's the most valuable thing. Um, but one thing I'm just curious about is you said you were a professional gambler. What did you play?

And why'd you get outta that? It doesn't really look good 

Nomad Trader: on a resume, not as full as other things. You have a gap in employment and you have to explain to people how you were actually making money. It's, it's a little awkward at times, to be honest. And you know, it's, you know, I may have been maybe that during that time I been dating and it's not the, it's not the best, um, occupation to, to roll out.

I mean, it's, it's sexy for a single guy for sure. Um, but um, yeah, I just, and I just wanted to kind of get on and, and started building some stuff. And the thing with, the thing with, um, any type of gambling is, you know, it's still, it's still active, right? You cannot build passive income off that. And so what I wanted to do was spend some time building out [00:07:00] a passive income strategies.

And so I have cash flow on a, on a monthly basis, right? Because, you know, as one of my mentors would always tell me is, uh, well, nomad. You ain't making money unless you're making money while you're sleeping. And although gambling was fun, you still had to, you know, apply the work much like, much like trading.

But I also wanted to get to something I was passionate about. So,

Ismail: Yeah, so just quickly, like to echo some things that I, I relate to with your story is that I also have a background in real estate. I fixed properties in, in my area in Long Island, New York. It's be, yeah, it's become very difficult lately. So that's kind of been put on the back burner cuz of the market conditions.

Um, I I,

What did you play as a professional gambler & why did you leave?

Ismail: I worked in Wall Street at real estate finance firms, so I, I have, I've that analytical mindset, like before I got into trading I was really a value investor. Um, looking at cash flows and analyzing things that way. I, I think the pandemic and the way the market shifted kind of sucked us all into the trading world.

Cuz before that, you [00:08:00] know, it was really all about investing and making 10% a year was considered amazing. Now you make 10% in a few minutes or a couple hours and, and it's not enough, Right. So it's just a total shift that I've seen. But I, I totally agree with you cuz I, I've had some crazy wins trading and like some of my friends are like, Why are you doing all this other stuff if you're making so much money trading?

Uh, why, why even bother with these other things? Uh, but my, my whole goal is what you just said, right? Trading is great, but it's unpredictable. You can have up dayss down days. You don't know how much you'll make some days. Uh, Covering your living expenses with like consistent cash flow is what I'm focused on.

And you mentioned Airbnb as a guest. I've interviewed some people about this recently and something that I'm looking at, I don't know if you had experience with this in real estate, is I'm, I'm looking to throw some of my yas into acquiring vacation rental properties so that I can use them myself when they're not occupied.

Uh, but that they would also give off that cash flow to cover my living expenses while like my ideal scenarios that my expenses are covered and I get to [00:09:00] interview people. All day and trade all day. Like that's the ideal life for me at this point. Have you like looked into Airbnb investing or anything like that?

Or are you more of the traditional real estate, long 

Nomad Trader: term rental? You know, so I had multiple funds. One fund actually does short term rentals, and we put, you know, I did an Airbnb in there, it was a beach Airbnb. Um, it was, you know, we, we picked it up. It was actually on the coast. And so obviously there's only so many of those.

And man, those are, those are very, very lucrative, right? Because they're always running and no one could, no one could have predicted the, the migration, uh, during the pandemic of everybody wanted Airbnbs versus hotels because the unsureness of, you know, cleanliness and all the other stuff, whatever it was.

But I, I'm a big fan of Airbnb, not just, not just their stock. But also the, the general principle of the, of the Airbnb, because you know, generally when you're doing the short term rentals, if you build a good, um, uh, following, right? And you're gonna have to pay your dues through Airbnb your first year or two, and you're gonna have to pay 'em their fees or whatever.

But after a while, you can build your own guest list. If you have a very, if you have unique properties, beachfront, late [00:10:00] front, um, you know, obviously five bedrooms plus so people can do, uh, you know, family gatherings or, or corporate retreats. Um, and also pick them in places that are gonna have good tax policy.

Like, to be honest, I started, um, to liquidate out of California. Just because of the tax policies that were out there and the tax policies on Horizon. And I'm sure you have the same kind of, um, uh, obstacles coming up in New York. Cause I know they're the same way, but also places like Florida are blowing up.

Texas coastal Corpus Christi are blowing up. Um, and, you know, and places like Puerto Rico, right? So, and especially as we're making these gains on the daily trading, we have to be cognizant of our tax complications because real estate, you get all sorts of tax, cool tax tools to help, you know, mitigate uh, mitigate tax liability.

Trading is not that way. It's capital gains and that's what it is. So it's a little different and [00:11:00] it's something we all have to be a little, um, a little aware of. But to answer your question specifically, I've dabbled in it for sure. It's not as, um,

Airbnb Investment vs Trading.

Nomad Trader: I, I prefer focusing more on. Secondary and tertiary markets that have high employment and um, high cost of, uh, new housing.

Because generally in those, in those regions you have, um, you, you're always gonna have, because you have good employment, you're always gonna have people looking for housing. And, and how, and especially in this environment, there's not a lot, a lot of rental housing available in some of these places. So in the last couple years, um, I've really, you know, I was into Austin, but I've already sold out because that thing topped out.

It was literally like a wave. It was literally like wave five in Austin right now, once Tesla came in there. Um, I still have some stuff in central California because there's a lot of, um, This's really the only affordable place left in California. Um, big fan of still in Detroit, especially around, uh, the downtown area.

I'm not sure if you've been there recently, but they're really, um, you know, [00:12:00] uh, Dan Gilbert who owns the Cavers. He moved all into Quicken. He moved Quicken to downtown Detroit and bought all these buildings in the downtown area. And he basically made all their development in like a spoke fashion. And so I try to buy as many assets that are within a half mile or a mile of downtown for that young professional that maybe doesn't wanna buy a house yet, because they're the ones that saw their parents go through short sale or foreclosure during the great recession.

And they're kinda like, Ooh, I'm not sure if I wanna buy a house yet. I just kind of wanna rent. But I, but I want a nice place and I wanna be close to downtown so I can go down and have my craft beer and, and hang out with, uh, and hang out with this male so I can, I can listen to, uh, TFC live.

Ismail: Um, obviously what we wanna dive into trading, but I, I, I. Regret it if I didn't ask you, cuz you have a lot of experience it seems like, in this area. So two questions. Um, do you, what's your stance overall on the real estate market? People think it's gonna crash, people don't think it's gonna crash. [00:13:00] Curious what you think there, and if you have any advice for people listening, um, that have money to invest, where should they put it?

Real estate? Like how do you, how do you invest you have in crypto, Like, just think, how do you think about investing and how do you 

Nomad Trader: think about the real estate? So the real estate market in general. Um, so right now I've really, uh, pushed a lot of assets into, uh, short term product. Um, whether that's fixed and flip or, um, uh, maybe your, I'm buying.

About six to eight months ago, I really put my team out to find what I call the small mom and pop investors, because they were the ones that were really kind of getting screwed through this whole thing. Because if you're a tenant, you were getting, you were getting help from the government, you're getting help from their state, you're getting help from the housing authority.

If you were a big multinational corporation like BlackRock or anything like that, you're getting all sorts of tax breaks. You're getting obviously all sorts of help for these guys during the pandemic to, to reclaim lost revenue. But the, that margin in the middle, that small mom and pop investor who was buying that [00:14:00] fourplex because that was their retirement or they're buying that duplex so they could put their kid in there, you know, while they're going to college and they rent the other side.

Those are the ones that weren't taking, that weren't getting rent. And a lot of these markets, they're still not getting rent. But they're also that, that, that category of investor, they're still concerned about their credit score, but there's no help for them right now. And it's only just now starting to come out for them.

Where a lot of these estate municipalities are, are having like, um, A fund set aside to kind of help them catch up because they realize, oh my gosh, at some point these guys, they're paying this extra mortgage payment every month because it's an investment that they don't wanna give up because they put 20% into it.

So they have equity in there and they don't wanna give it up, but they can't sell it because they have an unruly unpaying tenant in there. So to be honest, we really targeted that segment over the last, you know, six to eight months because that was a, that was a really, really, um, uh, I thought it was very untouched segment.

Is real estate a good investment right now?

Nomad Trader: And I bet there, I bet you have some in New York, and I bet you have in your area. I would look at like, [00:15:00] Not necessarily New York. I'd probably look more in maybe like Pennsylvania. Um, obviously Nashville's pop in, but I think that's maybe in the sixth or seventh inning. Right now. I really think Florida, Texas are really still gonna be valid just because of the incoming population growth and the um, and the type of jobs that are coming into there.

Texas, you gotta be concerned with because it's, even though there's no state income tax, the freaking property taxes are three x over most of the nation. So, What I've found that's been a little bit better. And one of the funds I'm actually built, I'm actually currently actively building out right now, is a short term, almost like a, like a private money fund because, you know, now we have contacts in all these different markets across the nation and people are always, uh, coming to us and like, Hey, I need, I need funding for, you know, this project.

I'm like, Oh, that's really cool. So, you know, uh, how do you want us to, how do you want us to engage? You want a straight debt, um, execution where we can loan you X and you know, you pay us [00:16:00] off, you know, interest plus, plus, you know, some fees and or do you want like a JB partner or do you want accommodation thereof?

And so that's been actually pretty lucrative lately because one of the things I think is very, very dangerous for people that want to just get into real estate in general, and I know BlackRock really knows this now, is real actually in Zillow. Ironically, Zillow just found this out the hard way too, is real estate is so hyper localized.

You cannot build this giant national process and be very, very effective with real estate. If you're gonna do, you know, things like, uh, fix and flip. Um, if you're doing long term tenant, long term rental cash flow, that's one thing. But the short term spikes of, uh, you know, in these cash events there, it's a little more difficult to manage from one central office.

You have to have boots on the ground. And so back to the fund is, I think, um, this, this, this latest fund that I'm building out, I think it'll be the best, one of the best opportunities. It'll allow people that have [00:17:00] cash sitting on the sidelines to put cash into a centralized place get a very, very high rate of return.

And in general, you're now, we're basically partnering with people that are, that are local. That are local in their own markets. Because you and I both know, especially if you're in real estate as well, is that you have to be in that market to understand all the nuances of neighborhoods, all the nuances of hiring vendors, even the eviction laws and how to get things done.

And so versus trying to build this gigantic, um, this gigantic, uh, process that's almost like this, be like a huge ship. I want a fleet of small agile sailboats.

Ismail: Yeah. Um, mean one other thing before I forget that was a commonality is that you mentioned venture capital, um, investing. I also have built my. Software products, and I actually just had one acquired a b2b. Congratulations. That's, that was one of the commonalities that I 

Nomad Trader: saw in as well. So people understand how awesome that really is [00:18:00] because everybody wants, man, that's sexy, right?

Oh yeah. I built X out and I got, and I sold it out. Everyone's like, Oh, I, everyone's like, I can do that my, my spare time. I'm gonna learn Java and do this, or whatever. Right? But you and I both know the hoops you had to jump through to get to that point. 

Ismail: Oh God. Yeah. You know what that tells you? That, you know, uh, you have experience.

Cuz a lot of people that I talk to like friends are like, Oh yeah, nice. Congratulations. And they have no idea, uh, the, the blood, sweat and tears. Uh, my first product that I built years ago was a failure, so this is my second. Go ahead. It's, it's not easy. People think, Oh yeah, I'll just build a software product.

It's really not easy. There's a lot that that goes with it. So I, I'm glad that you understand that. I, I'm sure you've seen that with your investments as well. Um, Yeah. But there's something about us, right? You like the pain, 

Nomad Trader: that one of the big things I always tell on my teens and, and, and people I mentor all the time is, Hey, you have to welcome adversity.

If you shy away from adversity, you're never ever gonna grow. Like nothing grows up, nothing grows with comfort zones [00:19:00] and adversity sharpens you. And the two things that always reveal character, always reveal character are adversity and money. And when those two things go hand in hand, you really figure out what somebody's about.



Ismail: I could not agree with you more. This, this is like an aside, but I actually was organizing my first business conference in New York. My listeners know this, the TWA Hotel by JFK Airport. Maybe you've been there. Um, so that was scheduled to happen literally the week after the world shut down cuz of Covid in March so that you talk about adversity.

Um, all these vendors, all these attendees, refunding people, even though I didn't get refunded from the venue, like all that stuff that went along with it, that was my guiding principle. 

Building software products is not easy.

Ismail: Do the right thing because. People will remember you and, and that'll come back to you in the future if you treat it the right way.

If you start treating people badly, uh, not refunding them or doing shady stuff, you're done. But if you do things the right [00:20:00] way, you can come back next year or the year after or, or do something else in the future. So I think that reputation, uh, and 

Nomad Trader: dealing with the adversities is very good. My mentor would always, would always just hammer into me, is, Dan, you can always make more money, but you can never get back to your reputational capital.

Your reputation is your true currency. Yep, 

Ismail: Yep. Well, one other quick question before we dive into the trading is, uh, you obviously well traveled. Where is the best 

Nomad Trader: place in the world? So the last like trade, uh, six months, man, I've been on a whirlwind. In fact, I just, I was literally, I traded from a house built last week.

That was actually new experience. I've never actually had satellite like trading on satellite. That actually honestly kind of sucked because it does, it didn't go as fast as I would like. But for me personally, so far has been a Switzerland. I went to Switzerland about, uh, month and a half ago, two months, something like that.

It was just kind of a last minute thing. I was like, you know what, I'm gonna go out and hike in the morning and, and you know, uh, have a beer and brought for lunch and, you know, [00:21:00] listen to some yoing in the early afternoon and then you can trade from three o'clock to nine 30 there time. I mean, how awesome is that?

Ismail: That sounds perfect. I mean, I actually have a friend that goes to Spain periodically that trades and he said the same thing. That time difference is amazing cuz you can have your, your day of activities or whatever you wanna do trade, and then you still have time to go out and, and enjoy the nightlife as well and you can sleep in.

So it seems like the ideal timeframe. No, 

Nomad Trader: it trust me in the whole world. Absolutely. I, I didn't even realize, I mean, I kind of thought about it, but in fact it was funny because I felt and so incredibly blessed when I was out there. Um, and I started my Twitter account, uh, that, uh, the Nomad Trader eight, I actually started that.

From a cafe in Zurich after I made a Tesla trade, a rapid flow trade to be exact. I remember trading it and going, Okay, how often is this? I'm literally sitting in a cafe sipping espresso cuz I'm an espresso junkie. And um, I just did this. I go, Anyone could do this. Like, I'm not [00:22:00] special, you know, I just, I just study and I have these great alerts and I have these, this great discord and these great, you know, these tools that anyone could do.

And I'm literally sitting here and making as much or more than if I was back in the United States. And so I'd never forget September. I think it was September 1st of this year, I started my Twitter account and I just wanted to kind of share all of my experiences, not just the trading experiences, but also the places 

Which country is best for trading?

Nomad Trader: where I'm trading.

Ismail: So, Alright, I'm glad, I'm glad that we're segueing into this because I think this is what everyone wants to hear. Um, I guess, let me set it up this way before, cuz you've had, you've had a crazy successful story that we wanna learn how you did it, but. I'm thinking about the listener that hears your background.

Um, successful real estate guy, venture capitalist, you know, he's a unicorn, this guy. Um, can, I don't know the story of your, your journey. Can you tell us how it was in the beginning? Like, a lot of people seem to have trouble picking it up. They blow [00:23:00] certain, they blow accounts and then they start to get it.

Did you have a similar experience 

Nomad Trader: or did you just get it off the bat? Well, I started a trade shares at first, and I'm very, very, I'm very capital conservative to be, to be honest. But, but you know, it didn't, it definitely didn't grow like I thought it would. And um, you know, fortunately I didn't blow up an account like I keep hearing about, but I definitely had a lot of, I encountered a lot of.

Obstacles. That why, one of the main reasons why I wanted to push out my Twitter specifically was so other people wouldn't encounter that. One of my biggest pet peeves I always had, cuz you know, like, like anyone else. When I started realizing, oh my gosh, the world of options, this is freaking awesome. And so, you know, I started following a lot of these big, uh, wick guys.

And some of 'em, you know, they'd be like, Okay, I'm getting in this position. Of course, you know, I'm new. I'm like, Okay, cool. I'm jumping in too, right? Yay. I have a, I have a position and, you know, and because, you know, there's a couple of these guys when they win, oh my gosh, they get like 50 tweets on this one win and they're like, I'm buying [00:24:00] a Lambo.

I'm going, I'm buying a train or a yacht. Where, where are we going? You know, showing off all these jewelry and stuff. And I'm like, Yes, that's what I want. But, and so on those, it's easy to figure out when they. But it's the other ones, right? Because no one wins a hundred percent of the time. It's impossible.

And so I remember specifically, my account wouldn't grow and I couldn't figure out why. Cause I'm like, Dude, I'm getting some of these, these big, these big, uh, bangers. I'm like, I got that. So why is my account overall not growing? And I figured out, oh, cause I have these other ones at, these same guys would call out, 

Your journey to success.

Nomad Trader: but they never, they tended to forget to let you know when they exited.

And that would always be my biggest, personally, my biggest pet peeve, it would be every once in a while, like on a, on a Friday, five minutes before market closed, they would have this one quick tweet or a message, Oh, by the way, I, I exit these four positions. Okay, bye. And that's it, right? Like, no one's gonna see that because you're already in the heat of the moment trying to do your zero zero DTE Fridays.

So it just kind of gets lost and, you know, it's just, it, that was super annoying. So the transparency thing was [00:25:00] just really, really, uh, annoying to me. It really kind of, kind of set me off because, you know, we're all trying to help each other. What I, what I love about this. Kind of retail trading phenomenon is that it's not competitive, it's truly collaborative.

Everybody wants to help each other, and I love that. I mean, I am, you know, I am, you know, this being in real estate, that is a freaking dog eat dog world. And if you're not eating, you are being eaten. There is nothing in the middle. And so I see a lot of people, it's hard to make that transition. Stay real estate or any insurance or some of these other people, I kind of, I've kind of, uh, met because they're so used to being competitive and guarding all their stuff and, and keeping it closed in their, in their trunks with the, with the key lock and, and swallowing it type of thing.

But what I've learned, especially from this TFC discord is, and, and you touched on it earlier, is the people that are in there, the [00:26:00] traders that are in there, especially their founder, uh, Tom Mikai, the guy is unbelievably unselfish. I mean, he will just bend over backwards to try to help other people succeed.

He, when he says, I want everyone to make money, he truly believes it. When I hear that with some other people, you're kind of like, Uh, okay, cool. That sounds, that sounds great. That's a, that's a great soundbite, but I don't really believe you. Um, but that's not the case here.

The, I 

Ismail: to, I, I agree with you and, and like a recent thing that happened in the group was the Bgf V trade. Right. And you could see like, Tom, Tom almost, I'm, I'm sure he's happy that he's making money, but he was so much more happier that everybody else that followed him was making him money. And I, I think that is a rare quality, right?

So he, he was really overjoyed that everybody was having fun together and everyone was making money together. The problem that you alluded to is that, um, it doesn't go forever, right? So eventually you have to take the profits and cut it or cut the losses, [00:27:00] right? And a lot of these people that I used to follow as well, they don't tell you that.

Yeah. Cuz it's like a, a shameful moment. And e even even Tom was like, All right, I guess Bgf V is dead. I guess that trade's over onto the next one. It's like a shameful thing, but to me it's not right. You have to be a real, And we all had a wild, amazing ride made money. That's why people, 

Nomad Trader: There isn't, but this all why people, There's no shame out.

And this is why I'm also a big advocate. And one day I am gonna write a book about how life mirrors the stock market and in the stock market. , right? We can't have a big, big fat net huge gainer unless there's consolidation. We can't have a hundred percenter unless it retest the breakout. We can't just have something go up and up and up and up forever cuz it's just gonna come down and down and down.

Right? What goes up that fast comes down. You have to have consolidation, you have to retest, you have to have these things in order to have a bigger breakout. And so what I think a lot of, a lot of people, they're mistaken and I was that way as well, is you expect to hit these, um, these gangs so you know, right off the [00:28:00] gate and it's just, they just don't happen.

In fact, as a, as a side note for me, one of my, one of the things I just, I can't stand hearing is the term diamond hands and paper hands. I personally think Diamond Hands has, has made way more, uh, way too many people. Uh, poor or blow up their accounts because maybe they might be at 15, 20%, but they're like, No man, I got a hole.

I want that moniker. I wanna be called Diamond Hands. I wanna be, I wanna be called paper hands. I'm like, Honestly, there is no shame in paper hands. 

Diamond Hands & Paper Hands

Nomad Trader: If you can do that nine outta 10 times, I assure you make a whole lot more than that one guy who keeps the one play that Yeah, it went to, you know, it went to 500%, but it took you 15 losses to get there.

And in fact, one those 15 losses, I bet you were up in most of them at one point.

Ismail: Yeah. I mean, I, it's, it's this recent phenomenon, right? So like, I've got friends that got the Sheba coin and they're up 500% in like a week , [00:29:00] and they're like, Nah, bro, it's going to the moon. Yeah. I'm like, Dude, you just five extra money and like three days Exactly. Takes at least take some off the table, take your money off the table, or take like half, you know, half the gains off the table and let the rest ride, but don't let the whole thing rally.

Like it's gotta come back down and then inevitably comes back down and put their head down. Like, Nah, it'll come back one day, bro. I'm gonna hold a diamond hands for life. Diamond 

Nomad Trader: hands, Monica, and paper hands for that matter have, just have, I think those have really impacted some of these younger traders, because remember these younger traders are coming through the, they are, uh, they're, they, they're the video game generation, right?

They're, they're, they're gamers and they want the, and for them and for this generat. It's more important to have a reputation in some of these things than it is for actual results, right? They want that badge of honor, They want that thousand percent badge, and they're willing to freaking blow up five and six accounts to get that one play because that's all they want was to have their name changed to a different color or get some badge or be able to [00:30:00] repost something on their social media.

And that's a shame.

Ismail: I mean, that's honestly one of the things I truly appreciate about you in, in, like I, I mentioned in the intro your story of taking in a $10,000 account. I think it's over a quarter million now in less than three months or about three months and, and still going. Um, you, you show the actual percentage gains that you make on every trade or losses, uh, because I think two people are, too many people are fascinated with like a thousand percent banger, or I gotta get over a hundred percent.

When in reality people are, are taking profits at 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15%. And that's how you have a successful trader not waiting for these crazy numbers. So I, I love that transparency. But before we, we, we talk about the dynamics of what you're doing. Can you just explain to people like, what is this rapid flaw?

Like people that are not in the DISC group that have no idea what you're talking 

Nomad Trader: about. So this rapid, by the way, there, there's a baby one coming up that I'm starting to love and I think you love it too, is called nibu. I'm starting to really fall in love with that one too. The nimmi alert. But this [00:31:00] rapid flow alert, um, was invented, was actually coded by, um, atm, I think is a, it's like a, it's Avery in the Discord.

And the dude is just incredibly bright and he and Tom got together and just created this alert that basically triggers. When there's these unusual spikes at a certain, on a certain ticker, at a certain price and a certain way when there's, maybe there's multiple orders or there's, uh, just an unusual, it sets off certain metrics, and I'm sure you understand.

They don't even tell me. Right. I have no idea. I know there's some secret sauce, there's a lot of metrics that go into it, but when it triggers, all I know is they've been very, very successful because for me, I interpret it as some big player out there, or maybe an, maybe an algorithm or maybe a fund. They have internals that something hits and they, they make an automatic.

But, and then maybe they're trying to hide these buys over the course of multiple buys and, but these alerts are, are smart enough to pick this thing up and these guys are bright enough to under, to kind of weed through all of [00:32:00] the kind of smoke screens that are sent out sometimes and consolidate all, all of that into one alert that's, that we can play that's actionable.

And so there's a lot more to it than that. I'm just trying to give you the general, uh, the general overview. So in, in, in essence it's a, it's a, it's a highly unusual position that was taken in a particular option, contracted a very particular price with, with or without, um, catalyst. I mean, it's, it's been fascinating.

And so to kind of start off on it's, would you like me to go into the rap, you know, kind of the history with the rapid.

Ismail: Yeah, I'm curious why, like what did you see to make you say, you know what, I'm gonna start a challenge and put $10,000 into a separate account and just follow these. What 

Nomad Trader: did you see? I remember, did you wanna that talking to them? And I was like, 

Rapid Flow Alerts & how does it work?

Nomad Trader: what is this rapid flow? And I remember they were testing a lot of stuff on their server and they had, you know, they have another alert called, I think it's uh, Super Fortuna and they have seen some of these other alerts and honestly I didn't know the difference between them.

I'm like, Okay, this one sounds cool, this one sounds cool, rapid flow. That sounds cool. Let me try this one. I remember the first one I [00:33:00] did, I was like, Oh man, that actually hit pretty quick. And um, uh, and I hit like two or three and I was like, this is kind of fascinating. And I looked at those two or three and like an idiot, one of them, I was like, Oh my God, this one up to like 25% so quick.

I think it was Tesla to be honest. And it was like in mid-August and it went up to like 25%. Like, Oh yeah, baby, we're getting, I'm at, I'm not gonna paper hand this. I'm gonna let this go all the way through. What happened? Freaking not only with the zero went negative, so I actually lost money on the train and I treat every dollar I have like a soldier and I do not wanna sacrifice my soldiers unless I'm getting return out of it.

If I'm not capturing land or, or fortifying something or progressing or, or just advancing my cause, my army, my force, my empire, then I don't wanna sacrifice the lives my soldier and I really truly treat each dollar like that way. So I remember that one and just pissed me off. So I looked at all three of those trades, I remember it.

I was like, okay, each one of [00:34:00] these hit at least 10%, so you know what? On the next one I'm just gonna try it. And I tried it a couple times and man, it was working like a charm when I first started. I would do, um, and this is before the $10,000 thing, I would just. Okay, I'm gonna do $2,000, play whatever that buy is, and I'm gonna set, say, say it was, um, you know, a Tesla, right?

So I bought whatever the, whatever the strike was, maybe it was a thousand dollars. Okay? So I buy, I'm buying two contracts at a thousand dollars each. And as soon as I buy it, whatever my cost was, maybe it's uh, maybe it's a, you know, a hundred or, or a thousand. I set my limit cell immediately at one 10 or at, you know, $1,100.


History of Rapid Flow Alerts.

Nomad Trader: I was making 10% and I started noticing that every single one of 'em would be, would be hitting. I, like, I literally did nothing. I like, I would buy it and then I would literally set the limit cell and it would just, all of a sudden it would just disappear off my screen and be like, Oh, congratulations, you just sold this for like, you know, whatever.

And I was like, Okay, this is fascinating. Then I started really looking at them and then on August 25th I told these guys, I'm like, I'm gonna start this thing called a [00:35:00] rapid flow challenge. May I have your permission to have, you know, to put this on a thread? Cause I think other people might be interested in this.

I mean, it's not sexy. It's not gonna be a hundred percent gainers. It's gonna be really, um, it's gonna be really a vanilla, I'm gonna shoot for 10% and I'm just gonna see if I can grow this. And Tom was really, really cool cuz honestly he probably wanted to see how his alerts went and so did Avery. And so on August 25th, um, I put 10,000.

I open, I, so I used, I use a Think or Swim TD Ameritrade. And so I have uh, three accounts with them now. So I have my day trade account, I have my long term account and I have my rapid flow account and I link 'em all cause I use TD cause it's easy to switch between them. Um, so I put $10,000 in a separate one and I was like, all, here we go.

What? What? In fact, as I'm talking to you, I'm pulling up my very first trade. Cause I actually keep, I actually record everything cause I'm super curious. And so I can go back through and, and do really cool stats. Like, I'm not sure if you noticed this mail, but [00:36:00] Amazon, including today's, um, and today's, uh, success win is 12 and oh in the month of November.

So that means if we get an Amazon rapid flow, it is like it's 12 and oh in the month of November. So it's high probability it's gonna be successful again. Um, but let me pull this up. So go ahead. 

Ismail: While you're pulling that out, this, this is why I highly suggest everybody listening follows you on Twitter, because unlike other people, you literally document every single trade every day when you enter, when you exit, and you have like a, a history so people can see how exactly that $10,000 that you started with grew to a quarter million.

And I assume we'll keep growing and, and every trade that was a win. Every trade that was a loss. I think percentage of it's 80, 88%. It's, 

Nomad Trader: it's substantial for sure. And some, some I didn't hold long enough to be honest, but, you know, I set rules for myself like, you know, like any good entrepreneur would, which is these are the rules and I'm not gonna break these.

Like, I didn't wanna hold for more than a couple days. I, [00:37:00] you know, uh, if it, if it broke support, I'm cutting. You know, just these different things. 

Ismail: So you mentioned it's not like exciting these 10% games. And I, I talked about Tom about this in my interview with him, is that I truly believe literally almost every single trade I've ever made in my life was up 10%.

At least at some point. Yep. The problem is that people don't take it right cuz they, they want more. And I had a TikTok clip that went viral, um, that was pretty much showing you how, this is an extreme example, but if you take a thousand dollars and you just get 10% return on that thousand on, on the full account, uh, after a hundred trades of getting 10%, you're up to a million dollars.

Now, obviously you're not gonna win every trade, but it just shows you the power of compounding these small winds. And you don't have to go for these gigantic bangers. But again, so my question to you is how do you. Mentally keep yourself in check to take that 10%. When you see things going crazy, like today I told [00:38:00] you I, I took the Amazon one, you know, I took, I took the small gain and then you see it continue for another a hundred dollars, uh, win for the rest of the day and you see how much you could have made.

How do you mentally deal with that? Do you not look at, 

Nomad Trader: how do you cope? That's really question because you know, when I first started this challenge in, in August, I literally would just set it and go, right. I was literally pissed cuz I started with $10,000 and each play was up to $5,000 and I literally would just put 5,000.

Documenting every single trade.

Nomad Trader: Try to get the 500 bucks and then cash out. But obviously there was runners then, like there are runners now. I definitely, um, advanced, um, the trading, kind of my trading process into rapid flows these days. So the, the nomad trader kind of plan for today for rapid flows is, you know, I'll still, So now I, uh, so the counts about the counts like two 50.

It hit like 2 65 today I think it was. Um, so now that means I can, I can, I'll literally put up to maybe 70,000 on each play. That's not, that doesn't say I'm putting [00:39:00] 70,000 immediately on a play. And I, and I get it, I totally have the flexibility to do this now. So today, uh, today my, my, the big win I had today was Invidia, right?

Invidia Rapids. And I'll tell you in that, 

Message from Sponsors.

Nomad Trader: that trade plan, I'll tell you exactly how that one. So in video Rapid came out and I believe there was in a video rapid that came out right after it. So I'm like, oh my gosh, a double rapid on the same ticker with some unusual call flow and some other minor alerts that hit on the same ticker and obviously with a giant catalyst that just happened on their earnings.

This is something I want to get in. So, cuz usually what I'll do is I'll start with the quarter position. So say my, my max entry is make, we, we'll make numbers easy. My max entry is, uh, $60,000, right? So if I'm at a $60,000 clip, I'm putting a third in right off the bat. Okay? Uh, the thing hit great. $20,000 media buy, and then I'm, now I'm watching the candles, right?

And I watched the three minute candles. If they're really, if those candle bodies are just firing up with no wicks and they're just pushing up the [00:40:00] top and there's a lot of by pressure, man, I'm doing another 20 and then I reserve more. So I can average down if, if it hits. But in this case, I actually averaged up.

Cause in video was just, it was just going, if you remember this morning, so my initial position, I bought in at 20, bought an average up again at 20, was watching it and then bam and hit, uh, now it continued on this incredible ascent. So I actually averaged up, but this time I picked a different strike. And then when my first position hit, I think it was 15%, I just, I liquidated 75% of the total position.

Um, so I, those profits. And then my last 25% I basically start doing as a trailing, uh, profit, uh, profit stop. So in the, in that case, say I was up, you know, say those contracts are, you know, $6. So I put a trailing stop, um, roughly, I called it about 10%. So maybe I'll start off at five 50 and I literally manually will trail it up.

I know, think, I know, Think or Swim has a, uh, a way you can do the trailing stops. But, [00:41:00] but with the 25%, I like to actually watch it go up. Right? I've already, And, and, and what's nice is I've already made the money, right. 75% I've already hit. Um, am I'm, I'm good on that. So now these other ones, I'm just trying to maximize these runners and this will answer your earlier question, which is, I've noticed that this gets me out of the FOMO stage because if I, if I'm, if I'm still engaged in it and 25% of that position, it's still a, a substantial amount of money that was at, at risk.

But, but because I was running a trailing, uh, profit stop, I wasn't gonna lose money. Right. And all I did was just keep moving my stops up. Every time it would spike in a candle, I'd keep moving my stops up and finally, you know, it, it, it, it peaked and dropped down and wicked my stop and I was out and

Mental aspect while trading.

Nomad Trader: I moved next tried So, Are 

Ismail: you, I know that Thicker some does have the trailing stop limit order, which I honestly haven't used as much cuz it's not as convenient to get to.

Are are, do you have the active Trader up and you're like manually moving up the 20%? That's 

Nomad Trader: something I need better at [00:42:00] doing. I know there, I know there's a, uh, there's a trader in the server, his name is Dapper. Um, and Ease is exceptional. I've watched one of his classes on, um, how to properly maximize the Think or Swim and I honestly I should probably, uh, do that.

But, um, no, I, I literally manually move up my stops

and then 

Ismail: once it goes back, here's 

Nomad Trader: for me, I literally close the window. Cause you know, I'm sure like, I like every other trader, I have four screens. Um, but I closed the window that, that particular, that particular ticker was in and I just, I just don't go back unless another alert hits. If another alert hits, I start the process over.

Like today I think I traded Amazon three times. I. Um, I, I can't remember what my trays were today, but, um, yeah, so there was an Amazon rapid flow and two, no, no, I'm sorry, Apple. So there was an apple rapid flow in the beginning that hit, you know, 12, 15%. Pretty, pretty easy. And then, you know, we had trail, we had the trailing profits run, maybe total was like maybe 16, [00:43:00] 17% overall, but then the two nees hit later in, in the day.

And so for me, psychologically, every time I open a new screen and, and, and, and, and put that ticker in, it's like, it's like fresh, right? Cause I haven't really seen the ticker too much because as soon as I get out, as soon as all my runners are out, I literally close the screen out and psychological for me, it's closure.

And I move for the next one because the one thing I can assure everyone is that there will be another rapid flow. There will be another nimbus, and there will be another play. And more than likely that.

Ismail: Yeah. And I'm gonna include a link to everybody listening about, uh, to, to a compound interest calculator that I think Tom was the first one that showed me this actually, to illustrate like whatever your starting account balance is, let's say it's $10,000 and you're making, you know, five, seven, 10% a day, you can see how much that would grow over 3, 4, 5 months.

Um, but you mentioned these rules that you set up for your, for your rabbit roll challenge. I have them up in front of me actually. I'm curious, how did you come up with these rules and do you [00:44:00] always stick to them and do you always 

Nomad Trader: take every rapid flow alert? They're guidelines? We'll say that. I wish I could say I stuck to 'em like glue, but, um, sometimes, you know, you have a ticker with Catalyst, right?

And so, I'm kind of letting the, letting those slide a little bit more. Maybe I, maybe I go in a little bit heavier or whatever, but for the most part, I stick, I stick to the rules. Um, you know, as far as, Hold on, I'm, I'm actually scrolling up to, there's my entry. Um, so like rule one, each rapid flow play up to max.

And I had to change that because when I first started, I played 50% of the port, right? $10,000. I played $5,000. But right now there's honestly, 

Do you have an active trader?

Nomad Trader: it would be foolish of me to play $125,000 in one position. It would just, it just wouldn't be really smart. So I give myself the maximum of up to 50% up to a port and I usually enter with a half position at whatever I'm playing that day.

So today I determine my position, cause I started the day with, you know, 250,000. So I determine my positions around a fourth of that. So was that 60? Like 60 ish? And um, so I'm like, okay, so I'm not gonna get into any more than 60,000 into a [00:45:00] position. And I think the biggest position I had today, any. A point was Nvidia, I think it was up at like 40,000 at one point.

And I think Tesla too for that matter when I think about it. Um, but then, but those are really, really quick. Um, as far as targeting 10% profits, that's still one of the hard core rules. I do. I like to see the candles. Obviously we want to sell into a strong green candle, so a lot of the plays lightly. I've been 11, 12% and I've noticed that the um, rapid flows of fire in the morning, man, those things tend to run all day.

The ones that fire in the middle of the day, I'm really happy with the 10% because a lot of times, especially with the chop that we're experiencing these days, um, it's sometimes it's hard to get to that 10%. But

Ismail: I just wanna, cuz that's a great point. I saw a couple times, like, I think this week there was an Amazon alert and you exited with 7% and a lot of other people lost money on that trade. How did you know, like sometimes to take the, So that was 

Nomad Trader: 10% the day trade. And I [00:46:00] remember Amazon, it just didn't look healthy on the chart.

And I, I was watching on the five minute chart and it just wasn't, If you look at the volume candles, you look at where the price action is, you look at the, the candles in relation to each other. I use a lot. I use, uh, several of these, uh, kind of pivot indicators. I use, uh, like mfi. I use a lot of these indicators and all together it's just, it, it just didn't look healthy.

And so I was like, Man, and Amazon was such a, uh, you know, those things, those are some expensive contracts. And so I, I think I already hit Amazon that day. Was it this week? Let see, 

Ismail: I, I think it was a couple days ago. Yeah, this week I would guess. I just remember everyone else that held it cuz it didn't get to that profit point and they ended up losing money on that trade.

But you took it at 7%. So I was like, Oh, I wonder why this guy earlier 

Nomad Trader: midday. Sometimes I'll take, it's funny, when I first did this, you know, so my Twitter name, my Twitter handles, nomad Trader eight, I actually was gonna do this with 8%. That was originally my kind of goal was, man, 8% is, is [00:47:00] almost guaranteed on most of these things.

Um, but I've noticed, like I said, it's just middle of the day. I remember that particular trade. It just, I was honestly happy to get 7%. I probably could have got, I probably could have pushed and got maybe eight, eight and a half, but I don't think that thing ever hit 10. But here's the crazy part, if someone held that thing, you would've eventually, you would hit it the next morning.

Link to a compound interest calculator.

Nomad Trader: In fact, you would hit more the next morning, which is the crazy part. All right. We're talking about, we're talking about one hour timeline, right, . And, and that's okay for me to do, right? Because I'm playing with a, I'm playing with a large amount. And so for me it's about volume of plays. But for some of these younger traders, I mean that if that was early in the week, Amazon literally had a rapid flow, I think every single day this week.

How did you come up with rules for the rapid flow challenge? Do you always stick to them? Do you take rapid flow alerts?

Nomad Trader: So you could have, if, if it didn't hit, you could have literally sat on it on Monday or Tuesday and you would've hit it this morning or yesterday morning or, or whenever that was.

Ismail: Well, it's one of the things that I personally struggle with, and I know a lot of my friends do, is like actually cutting. The losses and cutting a bad trade. So I, I've printed out this thing that Tom, uh, showed me where [00:48:00] the bigger the percent loss, the bigger gain you need to offset that loss. So, like for example, if you lose 10% on trade, you just need 11.1% on the next trade to get it back.

But if you lose 40%, you need 66% to get it back. So I guess I'm asking you for myself and for everyone listening, cuz it seems like you're, you're just ruthless. You take the profits, you cut the losses, and you're on to the next one. What is your advice for people listening to struggle with that, that just can't let it go?

Like, I don't know what it is. I don't know. It's admitting defeat or I don't know what it is, but it's really hard to cut it. Um, you're holding on and hoping that you turn up a profit and that ends up being very bad sometimes. So any advice there? How to deal? 

Nomad Trader: I'm, I'm just as bad as everybody else at times, , nobody likes to take losses.

But, um, I guess for me what really changed my, uh, trading style was realizing that there was gonna be another, another play and just taking it. And, um, you know, and my stop losses are an error between 25 and 50%, but I will [00:49:00] give it some, a chance to run because I know several of my losses where I took big losses, like, you know, 40, 50%, they literally ran the next day.

And so it was, that's a really hard psychological, uh, barrier to get over once you see that. But you have to, I think for me, you have to look at this as an aggregate. You have to look at this as you started the day with a thousand dollars and you ended the day with $1,100. And it doesn't matter how you went from a thousand to 1100, you just ended with 1100.

And so sometimes there's gonna be losses, some, and most of the time there's gonna be wins. 

How do you know the right time to exit a stock?

Nomad Trader: But if you're consistent and play the rules and stick to your rules, you, you honestly should be fine. Um, like I know Tom started his, um, The, his Autotrader on, uh, through the tfc and it's been, it's, it's been pretty, it's, it sounds like it's been pretty cool so far, but I'm curious how the losses are gonna, I'm curious how he's gonna set up the stop losses and stuff in there, because a lot of times like.

Apple Apple's a great, a great example for rapid flow. Apple is notorious [00:50:00] for rapid flow comes out, people ju pile in and it just drops. And it did that. Today again, there was the apple flow, the apple rapid flow that hit earlier today. It was the same thing if you got in, when it, when it called, man, it dropped.

I remember I bought the, I think the, the one 50 fives and there were like 90 cents or something like that. And I remember it dropped to like 84, 83. But because I was looking at a chart and I knew it was almost gonna touch the bullish reversal zone, I basically average in right there. And then it started going up and then I averaged in again.

I averaged up and took a different strike. And so I, you know, I was able to hit my, uh, I was able to hit my profit goal much easier than people that just bought at the beginning and was waiting for it to come all the way back up. So, but to answer your question, the losses are definitely hard to take. Um, but you have to also understand some of these is some are gonna.

Better to take losses. Like, like my big loss I took, you know, last week was was L C I D and I sh I knew I shouldn't have played it cuz it was right after it just exploded last week and the rapid flow came out. But a lot of [00:51:00] times it's, um, I think it's like, I think some of these rapid flows are people hedging their current positions, especially the puts and sometimes the calls.

And so that's why I think sometimes when these rapid flows come out, you have to look at the actual, uh, what it's being called on. Right? If it's something that's deep, deep in the money, whether it's puts or calls it, a lot of times it's a hedge. In fact, most of the times it's a hedge. And so that's not something I really, I really get into.

I don't get into the, the me that mean stock. I think those things are just, they have their own kind of lifespan and no matter what happens, it's just, it's someone's, you know, uh, you know, they get on, they get on their, uh, Wall Street bets or something like that, and it just goes crazy. You can't really control that.

It's not, that's not controlled by, You know, fundamentals and technical analysis. It's controlled by, you know, uh, the mob. So , it's really hard to, it's really hard to do that even though some of the rapid flows when they hit on AMC and GME have really have really taken off. So, but in general, I avoid those and [00:52:00] I avoid, I avoid the puts cuz the puts haven't been the best on rapid flow.

They've gotten a lot better. Um,

Why do most people lose money?

Nomad Trader: I took one yesterday and I sold at clothes yesterday for 15%. I think it was, um, I can't remember the name of it. It was, uh, hold on. Get there. It's, 

Ismail: I was, it was, 

Nomad Trader: it was fig I think generally. So it hit at the end of the day, but was funny was, yeah, if you would've held it today, man, that thing would've been 30, 40%.

Cause that thing went all the way down. Cause someone, you know, someone, uh, texted me about it, but I just, I stick to like, I like the, I like the big tech names. I obviously love Apple, uh, Apple amd, uh, Amazon and Vidia. Um, and I also like, When, when you get a ticker in rapid flow that you don't see, and the, and it's a strike for that for a weekly, that's maybe a little bit out of the money, like today was Macy's, Right?

They had a giant catalyst cuz it was, you know, they just made more money. They just reported more money than ever. And so that thing was taken off. So a lot of people, I [00:53:00] remember listening to it even on live, where they were hesitating to jump into that Rapid cuz like, man, it's already gone up so much. So I took a smaller position.

I was like, eh, I'll still play it. And I hit 30% within like, literally like five minutes. Did you get into Macy's day? Hmm. 

Ismail: No, I didn't play Macy's for the same reason. I, I, I, the hesitation got to me, um, cuz e even the Apple Rapid play I didn't get into today because when it first went off, when I see it looked like it was like parabolic, it was just up, up, up, up.

And I'm like, you know what, realistically, how much more can this go? Clearly I was wrong. Uh, but I didn't take it cuz. I guess I second guess myself. So for me it sounds like you just take it immediately but you keep someone in reserve so 

Nomad Trader: it goes down. So, And I get it where you're starting off. I totally get it cuz you're basically shooting your wad right off the bat and that's hard, right?

I mean you really have to be accurate. So for me, I'm basically playing like a fourth or even a third of a position and I have a giant reserve that I can go and back that play and I'll go, like I said, I'll go [00:54:00] in either direction. If it's something I can video today where it was just taking off, I'm like, heck yeah, I'm gonna average up.

Or whereas Apple where I was like, okay, well something triggered Apple. And um, and I'm sure you've already started to notice that there's some of these tickers you have to be patient with. Apple, Amazon, um, Shopify. Even Netflix. You just have to be a little patient. Or Q com yesterday, q com. Yesterday was a great example.

Q com, spike, spike, spike, and you know, they kind of leveled off. And if you jumped in there, man, you got hammered cuz it dropped. But as soon as it wicked, the lower, the lower support, it freaking rocked it right back up. In fact, you could have made more money if you average down than even, even when you went in initially.

Ismail: Yeah, I found myself, I give myself more patience in leeway if it's like early in the week and I'm playing weeklys. But if you're, if you're doing like a zero day or it's Thursday and it expires tomorrow, the clock is against you, the pressure's on, you're sweating. Um, I guess, I guess people get a little bit more nervous in those situations, but I [00:55:00] definitely give myself more leeway earlier in the week.

I dunno if you did the same thing. 

Nomad Trader: Um, but what I would, what I would suggest to those people out there, that kind of sweat is I would definitely, you know, if you're, you know, look at the charts, uh, once you, once you, once you scale your full position, set your immediate, uh, limit sell at 10%. because a lot of times, especially the tickers we're talking about, you wick on those all the time, right?

Just like you, wic just like you wick stop losses, you don't even realize the, the, the, the ticker went down that low, but it just wicks and gets you out. But it's, the inverse is also true. It wicks up and gets you your 10%. I've noticed Tom's done that in the last couple days cuz sometimes he's like, Man, I hit my 10%.

I'm like, Dang, I didn't even get to 10% yet. I'm like, it's seven because it wicked up and snatched his order and someone 

Ismail: bought it. Yep. I guess people, people are doing market orders, they just wanna get in or, or whatever and uh, it grabs yours. So I've had that same experience. You mentioned in the beginning that when you first started, your account wasn't growing and obviously now it is growing very, very quickly.[00:56:00] 

If you have to boil it down to like one or two main things, what is the difference with you now versus then? What clicked, what are you getting now that most people listening aren't 

Nomad Trader: getting now? That's an easy question. Cause I get that. I ask, I get asked that all the time. Just like I'm by my friends.

Just like, I'm sure you get asked by your friends, number one. Is accountability. You have to be accountable to somebody if you're just there. Do you play poker? Ismail? I do play poker. I haven't played in a while. You're hanging around with your buddies, you know, just kind of drinking and watching sports or whatever.

You tend to splash around. And if you go to a casino and do that, you could win some, You listen. But two, three hours goes by and the rate the house always wins. So that's number one. Accountability that someone, some, someone somewhere is holding me accountable. In this case, it's my Twitter account. So the fact that I put everything on there, I know that I have to post these things and a lot of times I don't wanna just splash around.

Which leads me to number two, which is over trading. Over trading is freaking the one of the biggest killers of accounts. And [00:57:00] it's funny, now that I post all my trades on Twitter's, all entries, all exits. I've noticed a lot of times on the. When I think I'm gonna do really, really well, cause I've had all these wins, but I've also had some losses.

I don't make nearly as much money as like days like yesterday or today where I had less than 10 trades. Um, and this, you know, I just make a lot. At the end of the day, I have way more money than I started with on these days. When I, when I'm into like, the, you know, 15, 20 trades, I don't make as much. Even if I'm highly successful.

It's crazy. So over, I don't even know what it's, I, I, I can it to like your checking account, right? So I don't, I, I call it my checking accounts, like my black hole or a debit visa, you know, atm, if you put a hundred dollars in there or a thousand or 10,000, it just disappears. Nobody knows where it goes. You just know it's gone.

It's the . It's the same thing as this. You, if you just trade all day, all said, at the end you're like, What the hell? I thought I had, you know, $10,000. Now I have 10,400. Wait, I knew I won [00:58:00] more. This. But remember, the house always wins. So minimize the house advantage by just playing your high conviction, high conviction things, which is number three to answer your initial question is I go, I just, I am very, I try to be as patient as possible.

I try to be as disciplined as possible, and I try to go off my main alerts, uh, whether it's, whether it's the rapid flows, the nibu, um, super Fortuna, or what I like to call the McDoubles. So I listen alive all the time. And by the way, I coin that phrase, so don't let Tom tell you cause I actually coined the McDouble phrase.

Cause I'm always like, Okay, so if to, so I love live because just like you, I listen to it all day. I mean, for me it's, it's, it's better than any talk show. It's better than cnbc. Heck, it's better listening to music. And especially when I get to pick the music. Not, not some of Tom's elevator music. My God, I wanna go to sleep sometimes on that stuff.

But, but, but aside from that, you know, it's, it's interesting because, you know, you could be, you could be watching an alert and for me, I'm very, very active, right? I'm not active necessarily trading, I'm active. [00:59:00] Doing my, I'm doing an active charting and updating my charts and looking at, looking at a lot of indicators and looking at minor flow, looking at major flow, and then looking at all these alerts and, and going across Twitter and just kind of reading all this type of stuff during the day.

I'm very, very dedicated to it. So when I start to see a ticker once, twice, three times and I start to see minor flow coming in on. So that means that's a lot of small purchases but no offset on the put side, on the, on the, uh, on the bear side. And when I start to see that and then I hear a, a trader I respect, like Tom say, Oh yeah, I'm really looking at this one.

And then I hear another trader I respect like ave. Say the same ticker dude

What made you successful as a trader?

Nomad Trader: that is on the high alert for me. Then I go look at the ticker and see where it is in the, in its channel and see where it is in it's, you know, just I, and if it's where it, where it likes to be, I start, I'll start a position and a lot of times I'm sure for the people that follow me on Twitter, you can see a lot of times I'll, I'll enter stuff and it's not attributed to rapid flow or no.

Or a Nimbus or whatever. Sometimes I'll just enter a position and sometimes those are some of the most successful ones cuz those are the ones that you're [01:00:00] getting ahead of everything and there's no better feeling than getting in on a trade and then a rapid hits. Oh my gosh. That's 

Ismail: like, oh yeah, that's habit to me as well.

Where like, I'm about to take my profits, I'm gonna rapid flow 

Nomad Trader: hits, but let, hold on. I was there a longer was, it was say I was, I literally was like, Okay, I'm gonna go and take profits. And I was like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Ismail: So it sounds like you have, so you're, you're not just listening, you're getting these discord alerts, right? Whenever rapid flow, what all these flows are constantly buzzing on your phone or a tablet. So you're watching that and you're also listening and that's pretty much all you do 

Nomad Trader: to determine what you're training.

I started, depending on where I am, I'm on the, I'm on the West coast this week. Um, so unfortunately it's freaking 6:00 AM , so 6:00 AM I'm getting all the, I'm downloading the news, I'm reading everything. Six 30, I'm live, I'm, you know, uh, six 30 I'm live and I go till one 15 on the west coast. Um, but I am literally at, during that time.

It was funny cuz that, and that's why, going back [01:01:00] to when we talked, kind of talk about my other businesses, I have, I hired operations managers and every single one of 'em, cause I, and my number one rule is do not freaking contact me between the hours of, you know, uh, 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM Eastern. If you do, I'm gonna be pissed, so don't do it.

Ismail: That's, that's pretty sweet that you can, you can have that set up. So I guess as we're, as we're wrapping this up, some of the last couple questions that I, I'd love to get your input on, um, what's next for the challenge? Like, are you gonna keep going till you hit a million or are you gonna take some profits out for 

Nomad Trader: tax freeze?

Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna try this to a million. I'm gonna see, I think I can get there by maybe mid 2022. All these guys want me to get there by December 31st, and I'm just, that's just not gonna happen. I mean, , you know, today, today was an awesome day. You know, today was, you know, we added 13,000 to the, to the bank today, which was cool.

Five, uh, five rapid flows, all five hit. In fact, I think this week is, I don't think there's been a loss this week if I, I look, Yeah, there, it's actually rapid flows are literally 1, 2, [01:02:00] 3, 4. They're like 17 for 17 this week. I mean, it's like, it's. 

Ismail: Do you have spreadsheet where you 

Nomad Trader: tracking all this for yourself?

I track everything. Um, that's the only way I could feel because cuz I also want to know like what tickers are, um, are hot. Like Amazon told you, Amazon's 12 and Oh, so today I have complete convictions. So maybe in a normal Amazon position I take uh, a third or maybe a fourth a starter. Especially cuz Amazon, cuz you're the premiums are so jacked most of the time.

But because I was so confident in Amazon, because if it's history this month, I went in like half position right off the bat and it just, and it took off. And Amazon paid really well today.

Ismail: You probably could get to a million stop. I just wanna, I would assume. I would , I would assume that once you have an account that big, um, you get into liquidity issues with options. Like you can't put 70 grand into like some of these option employees that come up. There's just not enough liquidity for it.

It's, it's harder to get in and get out that full position. No, you're, you're absolutely [01:03:00] correct. Maybe I'm 


Nomad Trader: That's also why I really like the am you know, cuz 70 grand in Amazon's not gonna, I mean, I might, I might actually set off our, at some point we're thinking about this is if I have enough rapid flow followers, cuz I'm not sure if you notice this, but like all of a sudden there's like this, this rapid flow cult that's started now, um, both on Twitter and the discard.

Yeah. And everyone's playing the same thing. So at some point I could see us setting off our own alert, which would be actually kind of cool. Well, I 

Ismail: wonder if that becomes like a self-fulfilling prophecy, right? Because you prove that it worked and now you have this community that I'm assuming is only continue to grow, follow in the same place.

So it's kind of like inevitable that you will get the chance at 10% or more. You just have to take it. Um, and I, I find that that's the most difficult thing and I don't know if there's an any easy answer to that. I like to think of it this way. You kind of alluded to this in a different way, but I like to think of the, the game is rigged against you.

The options game is rigged against you. It's insurance contracts for existing stockholders. Uh, it's not for your benefit. So [01:04:00] theta, all this thing decays it and eats it away. If you wait long enough, like you said, the house always wins. So you have to take the profits when they're there because if you don't, you, you're not gonna end up winning in most 

Nomad Trader: cases.

Like you have to. Don't forget that it's not just not taking the profits, but 

Your trading strategy.

Nomad Trader: it's the mental cost that you, that you incur as well. Because then, and I, I see it all the time traders and I'm no different. , right? When, when we see something, when we see something go up to 10, 15, 20% and we're like, Damnit, I should have just taken a 10%.

Cuz now it's back to zero. What are you, what are you doing now? You're literally just watching that ticker and how many things are passing you by on the side. It is truly the epitome of opportunity cost, right? Because now you're spending all your mental energy and mental capital thinking about what could have been, what should have been.

And man, I should have just done the 10. I should have done the 12. Ah, I should have just done this. Oh, it'll come back. It'll come back. It'll come back and it never does.[01:05:00] 

Ismail: Um, I guess we, we talked a lot about this throughout this conversation, but is there any. In summary, towards the end, is there any general advice that you have to beginner traders or people listening that are trying to get better on 

What's NEXT for you?

Ismail: how to get better? I think that you mentioned the three rules. I dunno if there's anything 

Nomad Trader: else you wanna general as part of advice to people, but I remember I tease everybody, um, that rule seven, right?

Um, my rule seven is, is don't look back. Once a trade's done, a trade's done, just move to the next one. You spend mental capital doing that because, and, and especially for newer traders, I can't, can't stress that enough. They spend way too much time on what should have been, what could have been versus, Okay, cool, yeah, I screwed that up.

Let's learn from let's move forward. Or Hey, I got 10% office. Yeah, it's not 20% or it's not 50%, but it's not zero. The other thing too is, and I think I talked about this earlier, Please get an accountability person. Get, get accountability partner. Get an accountability group. I don't care what you do, but you have to be accountable to somebody other than yourself.

The thing about trading, [01:06:00] and you and I talk about this, you know, it's nice to be, to feel part of a community, even like a tfc because of the live. You feel like you're part of a group and you, and you feel like that you can share your, the anguish of losses and, and but also the thrill of the thrill of victory.

And you can share that with someone and it that much better. Um, and, and, but, but number one, freaking don't be greedy and stay fluid cuz you hit it on the head. This is not, this entire house is not built to make you rich. 

What are realistic returns to target?

Nomad Trader: It is built to make you poor. So stay fluid, don't be greedy. Take profits when they're there and compound your.

I, I 

Ismail: think that accountability is like a sleeper advice thing. I've actually toyed with the same thing where like when I put my TikTok clip up and everyone's like, All right, so you do it, bro. You can't do this. And I'm like, I, I've done it, so I know you can do it. But putting it out there, um, making an [01:07:00] account and, and having to show all your trades.

That accountability makes you act differently. Like you won't get as risky cuz you know that if you have a huge loss, you're gonna have to post it, right? People are gonna just be like, Yeah, what'd you do here? Why'd you do that? So that accountability I think is really huge. Um, I wish more people would post their stuff publicly.

I know it's scary. Um, and I know that in the Discord there's like a whole rapid, full challenge, um, chat that there's a lot more people now posting. Um, and I see a lot of honesty too, like some people taking losses as well and they talk about what they learned. Degree, you're 

Nomad Trader: right. They wanna get that loss.

Again. I think that accountability is really, I got caught up in the BBA freaking, uh, euphoria. Like hell yeah, that's gonna beat earnings. And so I had a great day today. I can't, I can't say I didn't have a great day today, but it could have been magnificent, had I how to eat Baba right off the open. And there's nothing that I hate worse than when I have to do my opening morning Twitter remarks and be like, Yep.

Gonna get my ass kicked in Baba right outta the gate. You're.[01:08:00] 

Yeah, no, you, Yeah. But you take it like a 

Ismail: minute where a lot of people would just not take that, and then its, 

Nomad Trader: I know what it's, you have to cut. But that leads to education, which I'm so, you know, I'm ex, I'm thrilled that you're doing these type of, uh, educational, uh, podcasts because people have, you have to learn about supports.

You have to learn about ema, you have to learn about reversal zones. You have to learn about supply. You have to just have a basic knowledge of the stuff, because it's gonna help you not just know when to cut, but also know when not to sell.

Ismail: So, on that note, I'm curious because a lot of people, 

Advice to aspiring traders 

Ismail: they, they look for alerts. You know, I wanna follow the Twitter guy that just tells me what to buy. Like, they don't wanna learn anything. They don't want to, they just want the alerts. Tell what to buy. I'm a big believer in giving people what they want so you can give 'em what they.

So you have to give them that, but you also educate them. And that's [01:09:00] what I personally like about tfc and we talked about it a lot. So I guess asking you for people listening who are considering, you know, joining the Discord or joining the financial cloud, who consider a right 50, I think not a right. 

Nomad Trader: How would you think about It's on my Visa.

It's the best I care. Honestly, I pay $200 to follow some of these other fin guys. I think my total monthly bill these days is around a thousand dollars across everything, right? And for, for all the, uh, all the things I follow because I'm a data junkie and I want as many points of data as possible, but TSC at whatever they charge, 80 bucks, it's, it's honestly, it's kind of a, it's kind of a joke, right?

Like, dude, you guys, could I, for tfc and you maybe, maybe cut this part out and don't tell Tom, but I pay . I mean, honestly, I pay $500 a month for that because it's worth it. You literally get that in one trade, . And then my counter to that would be if anyone is, is trading options and can't afford $80. They probably shouldn't be trading options to begin with in, in my opinion, [01:10:00] because, you know, it's really geared and they, and they, and they have so many rooms and, and I totally get it cause I see a lot of the, the, the conversations when you first get in there, it could be a little overwhelming, but I know they have a guy in their name Darien now that's really, really good about, um, you know, onboarding people.

You know, when people come in they can get to Darren, he can kind of show 'em around and you can kind of tell 'em, Hey, so I'm a, I'm a long term investor, I have a day job. I, you know, I would love to day trade, but I really can't. So maybe I, I really like the Nibu alerts cuz those, those take a little bit longer to play out or the super fortus and Darren can kind of put you into whatever room that is.

I, I've noticed that. And you know, or there's other people, they're like, No, I'm at home. I, I work night shift so I can day trade or I can, I can get in and out and so, oh, you're in the rapid flow, you know, you want the rapid flow room or you want the unique flow room or all these other type of, uh, all these other type of options.

I guess the, the point in all this is. It, it really can fit everyone's style, but just understand you can't do it all. And so that would be back to your original, your question two questions ago, which is what would you [01:11:00] advise as someone considering this is when you get in tfc, it's literally like drinking out of a fire hose when you first get in.

Now what's coming outta that fire hose is the best. Whatever your choice, whatever your favorite adult beverage is. Mine happens to be whiskey, rum, and wine. So it's literally like this, like freaking fire hose firing off pappy whiskey. And I'm just like, Oh my God, I can't get enough, but I can't drink it all.

And that for me was very, very, it was a, it was an inflection point for me, whereas like, I want to just focus on two or three of these things. And so for me, I pick rapid flow ni. The super for tune is, and the live trading, the rest of 'em are really, really cool. And I use those for support and I use those for, you know, to like, kind of, Oh, I see spies moving.

Oh, I see there's a lot of call flow coming in, so that's gonna support this, whatever. But as far as actionable alerts, I as a new person in TFC, would keep it. I would start with one or two, see how you like that, and then maybe bring it an extra one. But even at that, honestly for me, just the rapid flows [01:12:00] are worth whatever they would, whatever.

If they came out tomorrow and said it's a thousand dollars a month just to get rapid flows, I'd be like, Here, I'll only pay a year in advance so I can make sure I have this. It is, for me, it's by far the most lucrative thing. Obviously, 

Best Trading Basic education.

Nomad Trader: you know, 10,000 to 266,000, 8, 25 and 87 days on pure alerts and, and obviously money management.

Man, that's, that's a, that's a crazy.

Ismail: It's amazing the day and age we live in because I remember, I don't know how far back you go into investing, but like this stuff wasn't around before. There wasn't Fin Twit, there wasn't Discord. I'd be reading books that no one wants to read cuz they're so dry trying to figure out how to, like Benjamin Graham's intelligent investor, how to analyze, uh, stocks to buy and, and try to get 10, 15% a year.

And I was just remarking to one of my friends, like these guys in tfc are literally on live all day [01:13:00] trading nine to four. Um, and. Afterwards, Tom is doing another session about, uh, short squeeze potential ones, and then you have these other guys doing other classes right after the marketing, the market closes.

It's like nonstop. These guys eat, live and breathe this stuff. Um, and, and like a few people I interviewed so far, uh, are more older, successful business people that are members. And I'm always curious, like, does it bother you taking a device from these younger guys? Uh, they do. I know the answer to no, but I know a lot of like, I'm these 

Nomad Trader: talking, they, they know a lot.

So I joined TSC in like, I think it was February this year. And, um, , you know, they've come so far, you know, some of their, some of the people they've added recently, like, uh, uh, Sig that guy reminds me of like a professor, right. And he is just, he's just so deliberate with everything. And, and I, I, I love, he's, he is incredibly knowledgeable and, and dapper, which I think is actually one of the best educators on there, other than Tom.

Um, and he is [01:14:00] just so selfless and he, he, he owes class daily. He's always stopping not just to tell you the answers to your question, but kind of delve into why you're asking that question. To be honest, I, uh, last week, you know, I was like, what are these, what are these supply zones that you're using, uh, Dap are they different from mine?

And he took the time, uh, you know, via message and he really kind of outlined it for me. We talked about Wix in the one hour candles, you know, going back, uh, a week. And I started to change my supply zones and my pivot zones to those. And it, it was, it's been a world of difference for profitability, cuz I don't use those to enter, I use those to exit because those are obviously a natural support barrier.

or resistance barrier. And so as my plays get there, especially with my runners, I'm using those exit and I've, I've never been as profitable as I've been in the last two weeks from a percentage wise. And I attribute a lot of that to dapper. He's been, he's been amazing. And obviously there's Avery and Air Drake on the Daily, on the live.

They, they're tremendous. Um, you get TA that pops have been every once in a while, I'm not sure. Yeah. T's like, when Tay pops in, [01:15:00] he's literally like the jackpot guy. That guy has a freaking magic touch and like, holy crap. Now when that dude, when that dude comes in, you better pay attention. Cause he drop, he's dropping some sort of Right.



Nomad Trader: you know how he does it. 

Ismail: I'm like, it's so true there. But the one time he shows up, he calls the best play of the month 

Nomad Trader: or something. It's, But to answer your question, they've all been just, it's just been, it's been an incredible experience and I, I, and, and I'm still learning. Right. And to answer your question about trading, I mean, you know, like I said, I traded my first option in, in January of this year.

and I'll never forget, I thought it was being cool cause it's still during pandemic time. So I, I bought, like, my first option I ever bought was a Southwest and I bought it a year out. I didn't know what a leap was. I just said, Oh my God, Southwest, of course it's gonna come back. And I got bored of looking at it and I was like, and eventually I sold it, right?

Cause it, but it was, it didn't maximize it cuz it went up. But I didn't realize, you know, when you buy leads, they didn't go up as much. Anyway, it's, I've learned, I have learned a lot. And to answer your question,

 Learning from the young generation.

Nomad Trader: I couldn't even [01:16:00] imagine trading without Discord or without these alerts or without all these young guys.

This, this retail trader phenomenon is here to stay. And because I was the guy that was in real estate at much like, and I was, you know, when I wanted, when I was curious about, about equities, trading equities, you know, couple years ago it was, Oh, I can't get into that. That's way too much. My guy, I don't understand all these type of things.

Um, I'm just gonna leave it up to my stock guy. Now my stock guy is actually asking me about rapid flows. I mean, so that alone should tell you. I'm like, Dude, I'm like, get my money outta your account. I, I want, I wanna invest my own money now. Right.

Ismail: It's definitely, it's so amazing, like the ability to tap into. Wisdom, right? Cause it's not just, hey, you asking one friend. It's literally like 200 people trading together, listening to the same guys, sharing things, commenting. Um, I, I just wonder what that says for education going forward. Like it's just a whole new way of [01:17:00] learning.


Nomad Trader: agree. I think we touch on colleges and stuff like that generation a little bit. Trouble trend, right? If you, if you had a, if you had an upper hand in something, or if you had a, she had an edge, or if you had a core competency, you're not sharing that. You're holding that you're, you're, you're hugging that so tight.

It's like, it's like puppy death syndrome. You love it, you love it so much, you kill it. But these, but this generation now, this, this trait, all these 200 traits we hear live so unselfish, so collaborative in nature. They truly want everyone to do well because they are true. They're always about the cheapest two equals five a group mentality.

They're like, It's not about me. Again. If, if I can help someone else win, it actually helps me win. And, and I can't, I can't stress that enough.

It, it's, it's 

Ismail: a, it's amazing. I don't know why they're like that. Um, but I'm glad. I'm glad they are. Um, so I guess the last question I ask everybody, and I'm curious to hear this from you because you seem, uh, well traveled and, [01:18:00] and have a lot of life experience, but we, we talk a lot about money, uh, and the podcast is called Down TV Rich, actually, I'm living a Rich Life is 

Nomad Trader: not only about money, which is so, I guess what is a rich life to you?

Do what I want to do on a daily basis. You know, I don't consider trading work. It's actually fun for me. You know, I used to be, obviously I love sports. I used to be a, uh, obviously a pro professional gambler. I used to play in these, I used to play in these big fantasy football league for a lot of cash, and I always felt my analytical nature could really change that.

But anyway, I'm able to find something that's I'm passionate about. I love trading. I love. You know, uh, kind of the nuances of all of this, but a rich life is being able to do what I want when I want to do it. The true flex is of, is freedom to do what you want, right? And, um, like, I have businesses, but you know what?

I wanna do this, so I'm gonna hire someone to do it. Cool. You do that, and I, and you know what? I wanna go switch. So this week, great. I'm going, I wanna be on a [01:19:00] house bill last week. Okay, I'm gonna do that. Um, I want tacos for dinner, cool. Door, dash, you know, whatever, whatever the case is. That to me is a true rich life.

And to capital off the cherry on top is legacy for me, right? If I can, So like, I've had three mentors in my life that I owe everything to, and I in turn want to be able to, uh, positively affect other people. And, and that's another guiding thing for my Twitter was, hey, it's, I'm never gonna monetize. It's always gonna be about, Hey, these are my trades.

Cool. And I actually take the time to try to answer people's questions the best as I could, but knowing that I'm still learning too. And I'm not sure if you fall, but like, I was so happy to say we got, uh, someone that reached out from Norway, so I'm like, Yes, no. Mad Trader is now international. We got a guy from Norway.

I mean, how often is that? I'm like, Dude, I'm going to Oslo. I'm actually seriously concerning. Gonna to Oslo to, I saw that trade from a cafe in Oslo.[01:20:00] 

That's the 

Ismail: great thing about, um, this, uh, social media dude, come out New York. Next time you're in New York, you, I was like Gyro 

Nomad Trader: Broadway. Connected at JFK and actually pushed my flight out. Didn't, Cause that's another thing about a living a rich life is doing what you want when you wanna do it. I'm like, you know what?

I'm gonna stay a couple days in New York and I'm gonna go have dim Sum and I'm gonna go to a rooftop bar and I'm gonna make a trade. I'm gonna do a rapid trade, rapid flow trade in front of Wall Street. We did and so I did. It was actually awesome. It was, um, Apple, uh, and it was, you know, it was ten seven.

I was on my freaking phone saying how my stuff went. So I was like, just get my 10% just so can say I did it. I'm out. Right.


Ismail: well. I wish I knew I would've. I don't live too far from jfk. Uh, I used to, Yeah, I used to work a couple blocks from, uh, the stock exchange as well on Wall Street, so I'm familiar with the area. I know, I know all the good places to eat. So next time you come by, make sure you let me know. [01:21:00] Um, but I'm, I'm so grateful for the conversation.

I hope people got a lot of it. I know I personally got a lot out of it myself, and I'm, I'm glad that you're doing this because like I said in the beginning, um, there's all these gurus online talking about these amazing plays, and I always wondered. These guys that actually make a living, trading, how much profit are they making?

What is the time to get out? Are they going for the 80% moves? Are they going for the 2% moves? What is the appropriate profit level? And I think you're answering that with showing 

What is a rich life to you?

Ismail: what you're doing, uh, day in and day out. So I'm grateful for that. I know people in the DISC Court are grateful for that. And hopefully listeners, uh, check you out.

And I, I think there's a 

Join the DISCORD!

Ismail: free version of the discord too that people can, uh, maybe join into that. I'll link to everything, the show notes, but I appreciate it. Thanks for having, man.

Thank You & Wrap up!

Ismail: Thank you so much. I 

Nomad Trader: truly appreciate Happy Trading and as we always say, really with my friends,